Publication list

907 entries « 2 of 19 »


NMR-based gap behavior related to the quantum size effect

T Okuno, M Manago, S Kitagawa, K Ishida, K Kusada, H Kitagawa

NMR-based gap behavior related to the quantum size effect Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 101, no. 12, 2020.

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Negative ionic states of tin in the oxide superconductor Sr3-xSnO revealed by Mössbauer spectroscopy

A Ikeda, S Koibuchi, S Kitao, M Oudah, S Yonezawa, M Seto, Y Maeno

Negative ionic states of tin in the oxide superconductor Sr3-xSnO revealed by Mössbauer spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 10, no. 24, pp. 245145, 2019.

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Anomalous anisotropic behaviour of spin-triplet proximity effect in Au/SrRuO3/Sr2RuO4 junctions

M S Anwar, M Kunieda, R Ishiguro, S R Lee, C Sow, J W A Robinson, S Yonezawa, T W Noh, Y Maeno

Anomalous anisotropic behaviour of spin-triplet proximity effect in Au/SrRuO3/Sr2RuO4 junctions Journal Article

In: Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019.

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M Manago, S Kitagawa, K Ishida, K Deguchi, N K Sato, T Yamamura

Superconductivity at the pressure-induced ferromagnetic critical region in UCoGe Journal Article

In: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 88, no. 11, 2019.

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Superconducting Properties of Heavy Fermion UTe2 Revealed by 125Te-nuclear Magnetic Resonance

G Nakamine, S Kitagawa, K Ishida, Y Tokunaga, H Sakai, S Kambe, A Nakamura, Y Shimizu, Y Homma, D Li, F Honda, D Aoki

Superconducting Properties of Heavy Fermion UTe2 Revealed by 125Te-nuclear Magnetic Resonance Journal Article

In: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 88, no. 11, 2019.

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Time-reversal invariant superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 revealed by Josephson effects

S Kashiwaya, K Saitoh, H Kashiwaya, M Koyanagi, M Sato, K Yada, Y Tanaka, Y Maeno

Time-reversal invariant superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 revealed by Josephson effects Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 100, no. 9, 2019.

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Universal relationship between low-energy antiferromagnetic fluctuations and superconductivity in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2

S Kitagawa, T Kawamura, K Ishida, Y Mizukami, S Kasahara, T Shibauchi, T Terashima, Y Matsuda

Universal relationship between low-energy antiferromagnetic fluctuations and superconductivity in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 100, no. 6, 2019.

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Observation of superconducting gap spectra of long-range proximity effect in Au/SrTiO3/SrRuO3/Sr2RuO4 tunnel junctions

M S Anwar, M Kunieda, R Ishiguro, S R Lee, L A B O Olthof, J W A Robinson, S Yonezawa, T W Noh, Y Maeno

Observation of superconducting gap spectra of long-range proximity effect in Au/SrTiO3/SrRuO3/Sr2RuO4 tunnel junctions Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 100, no. 2, 2019.

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S Asano, K M Suzuki, K Kudo, I Watanabe, A Koda, R Kadono, T Noji, Y Koike, T Taniguchi, S Kitagawa, K Ishida, M Fujita

Oxidation annealing effects on the spin-glass-like magnetism and appearance of superconductivity in T*-type La1−x/2Eu1−x/2SrxCuO4 (0.14 ≤ x ≤ 0.28) Journal Article

In: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 88, no. 8, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Spin-triplet superconductivity in the paramagnetic UCoGe under pressure studied by 59Co NMR

M Manago, S Kitagawa, K Ishida, K Deguchi, N K Sato, T Yamamura

Spin-triplet superconductivity in the paramagnetic UCoGe under pressure studied by 59Co NMR Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 100, no. 3, 2019.

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Y Tokunaga, H Sakai, S Kambe, T Hattori, N Higa, G Nakamine, S Kitagawa, K Ishida, A Nakamura, Y Shimizu, Y Homma, D Li, F Honda, D Aoki

125Te-NMR study on a single crystal of heavy fermion superconductor UTe2 Journal Article

In: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 88, no. 7, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


K Kinjo, S Kitagawa, Y Nakai, K Ishida, H Sugawara, H Sato

Magnetic field effect on s-wave superconductor LaRu4P12 Studied by 31P-NMR Journal Article

In: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 88, no. 6, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

In situ control of diamagnetism by electric current in Ca3(Ru1-xTix)2O7

C Sow, R Numasaki, G Mattoni, S Yonezawa, N Kikugawa, S Uji, Y Maeno

In situ control of diamagnetism by electric current in Ca3(Ru1-xTix)2O7 Journal Article

In: Physical Review Letters, vol. 122, no. 19, 2019.

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Strong spin-phonon coupling unveiled by coherent phonon oscillations in Ca2RuO4

M -C Lee, C H Kim, I Kwak, C W Seo, C Sohn, F Nakamura, C Sow, Y Maeno, E -A Kim, T W Noh, K W Kim

Strong spin-phonon coupling unveiled by coherent phonon oscillations in Ca2RuO4 Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 99, no. 14, 2019.

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Modification of magnetic fluctuations by interfacial interactions in artificially engineered heavy-fermion superlattices

G Nakamine, T Yamanaka, S Kitagawa, M Naritsuka, T Ishii, T Shibauchi, T Terashima, Y Kasahara, Y Matsuda, K Ishida

Modification of magnetic fluctuations by interfacial interactions in artificially engineered heavy-fermion superlattices Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 99, no. 8, 2019.

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Nano-Resolved Current-Induced Insulator-Metal Transition in the Mott Insulator Ca2RuO4

J Zhang, A S McLeod, Q Han, X Chen, H A Bechtel, Z Yao, S N Gilbert Corder, T Ciavatti, T H Tao, M Aronson, G L Carr, M C Martin, C Sow, S Yonezawa, F Nakamura, I Terasaki, D N Basov, A J Millis, Y Maeno, M Liu

Nano-Resolved Current-Induced Insulator-Metal Transition in the Mott Insulator Ca2RuO4 Journal Article

In: Physical Review X, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019.

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Evolution of Superconductivity with Sr-Deficiency in Antiperovskite Oxide Sr3−xSnO

M Oudah, J N Hausmann, S Kitao, A Ikeda, S Yonezawa, M Seto, Y Maeno

Evolution of Superconductivity with Sr-Deficiency in Antiperovskite Oxide Sr3−xSnO Journal Article

In: Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1831, 2019.

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Low-energy electron-mode couplings in the surface bands of Sr2RuO4 revealed by laser-based angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

S Akebi, T Kondo, M Nakayama, K Kuroda, S Kunisada, H Taniguchi, Y Maeno, S Shin

Low-energy electron-mode couplings in the surface bands of Sr2RuO4 revealed by laser-based angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 99, no. 8, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Spin Fluctuations in Sr2RuO4 from Polarized Neutron Scattering: Implications for Superconductivity

P Steffens, Y Sidis, J Kulda, Z Q Mao, Y Maeno, I I Mazin, M Braden

Spin Fluctuations in Sr2RuO4 from Polarized Neutron Scattering: Implications for Superconductivity Journal Article

In: Physical Review Letters, vol. 122, no. 4, 2019.

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Review of U-based ferromagnetic superconductors: Comparison between UGE2, URHGE, and UCOGE

D Aoki, K Ishida, J Flouquet

Review of U-based ferromagnetic superconductors: Comparison between UGE2, URHGE, and UCOGE Journal Article

In: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 88, no. 2, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Enhancement of superconductivity by pressure-induced critical ferromagnetic fluctuations in UCoGe

M Manago, S Kitagawa, K Ishida, K Deguchi, N K Sato, T Yamamura

Enhancement of superconductivity by pressure-induced critical ferromagnetic fluctuations in UCoGe Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 99, no. 2, 2019.

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Piezoelectric-based uniaxial strain cell with high strain throughput and homogeneity

I Kostylev, S Yonezawa, Y Maeno

Piezoelectric-based uniaxial strain cell with high strain throughput and homogeneity Journal Article

In: Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 125, no. 8, 2019.

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S Kitagawa, K Ishida, M Oudah, J N Hausmann, A Ikeda, S Yonezawa, Y Maeno

Normal-state properties of the antiperovskite oxide Sr3-xSnO revealed by Sn 119 -NMR Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 98, no. 10, pp. 100503(R), 2018.

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A Ikeda, T Fukumoto, M Oudah, J N Hausmann, S Yonezawa, S Kobayashi, M Sato, C Tassel, F Takeiri, H Takatsu, H Kageyama, Y Maeno

Theoretical band structure of the superconducting antiperovskite oxide Sr3−xSnO Journal Article

In: Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 536, pp. 752-756, 2018.

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J N Hausmann, M Oudah, A Ikeda, S Yonezawa, Y Maeno

Controlled synthesis of the antiperovskite oxide superconductor Sr3-xSnO Journal Article

In: Superconductor Science and Technology, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 055012, 2018.

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S V Bakurskiy, Ya.V. Fominov, A F Shevchun, Y Asano, Y Tanaka, M.Yu. Kupriyanov, A A Golubov, M R Trunin, H Kashiwaya, S Kashiwaya, Y Maeno

Local impedance on a rough surface of a chiral p -wave superconductor Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 98, no. 13, 2018.

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M -C Lee, C H Kim, I Kwak, J Kim, S Yoon, B C Park, B Lee, F Nakamura, C Sow, Y Maeno, T W Noh, K W Kim

Abnormal phase flip in the coherent phonon oscillations of Ca2RuO4 Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 98, no. 16, 2018.

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L A B Olde Olthof, S -I Suzuki, A A Golubov, M Kunieda, S Yonezawa, Y Maeno, Y Tanaka

Theory of tunneling spectroscopy of normal metal/ferromagnet/spin-triplet superconductor junctions Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 98, no. 1, 2018.

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Y Nago, D Sakuma, R Ishiguro, S Kashiwaya, S Nomura, K Kono, Y Maeno, H Takayanagi

Magnetization measurements of Sr2RuO4-Ru eutectic microplates using dc-SQUIDs Conference

vol. 969, no. 1, 2018.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


M E Barber, A S Gibbs, Y Maeno, A P Mackenzie, C W Hicks

Resistivity in the Vicinity of a van Hove Singularity: Sr2RuO4 under Uniaxial Pressure Journal Article

In: Physical Review Letters, vol. 120, no. 7, 2018.

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Influence of carrier lifetime on quantum criticality and superconducting Tc of (TMTSF) 2ClO4

A Sedeki, P Auban-Senzier, S Yonezawa, C Bourbonnais, D Jerome

Influence of carrier lifetime on quantum criticality and superconducting Tc of (TMTSF) 2ClO4 Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 98, no. 11, 2018, (cited By 0).

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S Yonezawa, C A Marrache-Kikuchi, K Bechgaard, D Jérome

Crossover from impurity-controlled to granular superconductivity in (TMTSF)2 ClO4 Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 97, no. 1, 2018, (cited By 5).

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S Kitagawa, K Ishida, W Ishii, T Yajima, Z Hiroi

Nematic transition and highly two-dimensional superconductivity in BaTi2Bi2 O revealed by Bi 209 -nuclear magnetic resonance/nuclear quadrupole resonance measurements Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 98, no. 22, 2018.

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M Smidman, O Stockert, J Arndt, G M Pang, L Jiao, H Q Yuan, H A Vieyra, S Kitagawa, K Ishida, K Fujiwara, T C Kobayashi, E Schuberth, M Tippmann, L Steinke, S Lausberg, A Steppke, M Brando, H Pfau, U Stockert, P Sun, S Friedemann, S Wirth, C Krellner, S Kirchner, E M Nica, R Yu, Q Si, F Steglich

Interplay between unconventional superconductivity and heavy-fermion quantum criticality: CeCu2Si2 versus YbRh2Si2 Journal Article

In: Philosophical Magazine, vol. 98, no. 32, pp. 2930-2963, 2018.

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S Kitagawa, G Nakamine, K Ishida, H S Jeevan, C Geibel, F Steglich

Evidence for the Presence of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State in CeCu2Si2 Revealed Using Cu 63 NMR Journal Article

In: Physical Review Letters, vol. 121, no. 15, 2018.

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T Yamamoto, K Shitara, S Kitagawa, A Kuwabara, M Kuroe, K Ishida, M Ochi, K Kuroki, K Fujii, M Yashima, C M Brown, H Takatsu, C Tassel, H Kageyama

Selective Hydride Occupation in BaVO3-xHx (0.3 ≤ × ≤ 0.8) with Faceand Corner-Shared Octahedra Journal Article

In: Chemistry of Materials, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 1566-1574, 2018.

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M Manago, K Ishida, D Aoki

Single ferromagnetic fluctuations in UCoGe revealed by Ge 73 - And Co 59 -NMR studies Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 97, no. 7, 2018.

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S Kitagawa, R Takaki, M Manago, K Ishida, N K Sato

Spatially inhomogeneous superconducting state near Hc2 in UPd2Al3 Journal Article

In: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 87, no. 1, 2018.

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A Shi, S Kitagawa, K Ishida, A E Böhmer, C Meingast, T Wolf

High-field superconductivity on iron chalcogenide FeSe Journal Article

In: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 87, no. 6, 2018.

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A Shi, T Arai, S Kitagawa, T Yamanaka, K Ishida, A E Böhmer, C Meingast, T Wolf, M Hirata, T Sasaki

Pseudogap behavior of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate in FeSe probed by 77Se-NMR Journal Article

In: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 87, no. 1, 2018.

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Little-Parks oscillations with half-quantum fluxoid features in Sr2RuO4 microrings

Y Yasui, K Lahabi, M S Anwar, Y Nakamura, S Yonezawa, T Terashima, J Aarts, Y Maeno

Little-Parks oscillations with half-quantum fluxoid features in Sr2RuO4 microrings Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 96, no. 18, 2017.

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A P Mackenzie, T Scaffidi, C W Hicks, Y Maeno

Even odder after twenty-three years: The superconducting order parameter puzzle of Sr2RuO4 Journal Article

In: npj Quantum Materials, vol. 2, no. 1, 2017.

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C Sow, S Yonezawa, S Kitamura, T Oka, K Kuroki, F Nakamura, Y Maeno

Current-induced strong diamagnetism in the Mott insulator Ca2RuO4 Journal Article

In: Science, vol. 358, no. 6366, pp. 1084-1087, 2017.

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D Sakuma, Y Nago, R Ishiguro, S Kashiwaya, S Nomura, K Kono, Y Maeno, H Takayanagi

Investigation of the vortex states of Sr2RuO4-Ru eutectic microplates using DC-SQUIDs Journal Article

In: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 86, no. 11, 2017.

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S J Kuhn, W Morgenlander, E R Louden, C Rastovski, W J Gannon, H Takatsu, D C Peets, Y Maeno, C D Dewhurst, J Gavilano, M R Eskildsen

Anisotropy and multiband superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 determined by small-angle neutron scattering studies of the vortex lattice Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 96, no. 17, 2017.

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Z Wang, D Walkup, P Derry, T Scaffdi, M Rak, S Vig, A Kogar, I Zeljkovic, A Husain, L H Santos, Y Wang, A Damascelli, Y Maeno, P Abbamonte, E Fradkin, V Madhavan

Quasiparticle interference and strong electron-mode coupling in the quasi-one-dimensional bands of Sr 2 RuO 4 Journal Article

In: Nature Physics, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 799-805, 2017.

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M S Anwar, R Ishiguro, T Nakamura, M Yakabe, S Yonezawa, H Takayanagi, Y Maeno

Multicomponent order parameter superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 revealed by topological junctions Journal Article

In: Physical Review B, vol. 95, no. 22, 2017.

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S Kunkemöller, P Steffens, P Link, Y Sidis, Z Q Mao, Y Maeno, M Braden

Absence of a Large Superconductivity-Induced Gap in Magnetic Fluctuations of Sr2RuO4 Journal Article

In: Physical Review Letters, vol. 118, no. 14, 2017.

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E Hassinger, P Bourgeois-Hope, H Taniguchi, S René de Cotret, G Grissonnanche, M S. Anwar, Y Maeno, N Doiron-Leyraud, L Taillefer

Vertical line nodes in the superconducting gap structure of Sr2RuO4 Journal Article

In: Physical Review X, vol. 7, no. 1, 2017.

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S Yonezawa, K Tajiri, S Nakata, Y Nagai, Z Wang, K Segawa, Y Ando, Y Maeno

Thermodynamic evidence for nematic superconductivity in Cu x Bi 2 Se 3 Journal Article

In: Nature Physics, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 123-126, 2017.

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907 entries « 2 of 19 »
