
Faculty Staffs

Kenji Ishida

Shunsaku Kitagawa

PhD Students

Hidemitsu Takahashi

Fumiya Hori

Shiki Ogata

Hiroki Matsumura

Master course Students

Shota Izuoka

Taishi Ihara

Masaki Shibata

Hiroyasu Matsudaira

Yuki Takahashi

Shumpei Oguchi

Yuusuke Sakai

Riku Matsubayashi

Undergraduate Students

Mikito Maekawa

Shunnosuke Hamada

Takuto Yamada

Yufu Yamada

Ryo Nakayama


Ryoko Kotai

Turtle FERMI

Former Members

List of former group members/visitors.

For those who once belonged to our lab: please contact Shunsaku Kitagawa if you want to update your information.

Former Professors

YearNameCurrent PositionE-mail Address
2022 (Professor)Yoshiteru MAENOCollaborative Research Center Professor (Fellow, Toyota Riken / Professor Emeritus, Kyoto Univ.), Kyoto Univ. Research Center (TRiKUC), Toyota Riken, JapanmaenoHelloUglyBot!.yoshitHelloUglyBot!eru.b04HelloUglyBot!
2002 (Professor)Takehiko ISHIGUROProfessor emeritus, Kyoto University, Japant.ishHelloUglyBot!ig@rapiHelloUglyBot!d.ocn.nHelloUglyBot!
2023 (Associate Professor)Shingo YONEZAWAProfessor, Integrated Function Engineering Laboratory, Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, JapanyonezHelloUglyBot!awa.shiHelloUglyBot!ngo.3m@HelloUglyBot!

Former Lecturers / Assitant Professors

YearNameCurrent PositionE-mail Address
2007 (Lecturer)Satoru NAKATSUJIProfessor, Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, JapansatorHelloUglyBot!u@issp.HelloUglyBot!u-tokyoHelloUglyBot!
2007 (Assistant Professor)Hiroshi YAGUCHIProfessor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
1998 (Assistant Professor)Hiroshi ITOAssociate Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University, Japanito@nHelloUglyBot!uap.nagHelloUglyBot!oya-u.aHelloUglyBot!
1993 (Assistant Professor)Yoshio NOGAMIProfessor, Okayama University, JapannogamHelloUglyBot!i@psun.HelloUglyBot!phys.okHelloUglyBot!

Former Secretaries

YearNameCurrent PositionE-mail Address
2023Tomoko KODAMATRIKUC, JapankodamHelloUglyBot!a.tomokHelloUglyBot!o.2z@kyHelloUglyBot!
2022Junko OKAZAKI
2020Keiko TAKAMIYA
2015Yuko ITO
2013Yukari NISHIMURA
2011Kanna KABATA
2008Yoshimi MURATA
2005Naoko KOTEGAWA (ITO)
2002Shimako NAKAJIMA

Former Visiting Professors

YearNameCurrent PositionE-mail Address
2006 (Visiting Professor)Manfred SIGRISTProfessor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2006 (Visiting Professor)Andrew P. MACKENZIEProfessor, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, UK
2006 (Visiting Associate Professor)Glenn C. PAQUETTEAssociate Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
2005 (Visiting Professor)Douglas E. MACLAUGHLINProfessor, University of California Riverside, USA
2005 (Visiting Associate Professor)Antonio VECCHIONEConsiglio Nazionale per le Ricerche, Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, Italy
2004 (Visiting Associate Professor)Oscar O. BERNALProgram Director, Condensed Matter Physics, National Science Foundation, USAObernHelloUglyBot!al@nsf.HelloUglyBot!govHelloUglyBot!
2004 (Visiting Associate Professor)Santiago A. GRIGERAUniversity of St Andrews, UKsag2@HelloUglyBot!st-and.HelloUglyBot!ac.ukHelloUglyBot!
2003 (Visiting Associate Professor)Yatramohan JANAReader, Department of Physics, University of Kalyani, IndiayatraHelloUglyBot!mohan@yHelloUglyBot!ahoo.coHelloUglyBot!m
2001 (Visiting Professor)Denis JEROMEProfessor, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Universtite Paris Sud, France
2001 (Visiting Professor)Andrei LEBEDProfessor, Landau Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
1999 (Visiting Professor)Pierre MONCEAUProfessor, CNRS, Centre de Recherche sur les Tres Basses, France
1997 (Visiting Professor)Rustem B. LYUBOVSKIIProfessor, Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
1996 (Visiting Professor)Vladimir N. LAUKHINProfessor, Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Former PDs and Visiting Students

YearNameCurrent PositionE-mail Address
2023 (PD)Muhammad Waqee Ur Rehman QADRILecturer, Government Post Graduate College, Pakistan
2022 (PD)Yajian HUEngineer, Hitachi High-Tech Corporation, Japan
2022 (PD)Giordano MATTONIProgram-Specific Assistant Professor, Kyoto University Institute for Advanced StudymattoHelloUglyBot!ni@scphHelloUglyBot!ys.kyotHelloUglyBot!
2022 (PD)Krishnan MAHALINGAMPostdoc, NIMS, Japan
2020 (PD)Atsutoshi IKEDAAssistant Professor, Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto UniversityikedaHelloUglyBot!.atsutoHelloUglyBot!shi.3w@HelloUglyBot!
2020 (Program-Specific Assistant Professor)Hideki NARITAProgram-Specific Assistant Professor, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, JapannaritHelloUglyBot!a.hidekHelloUglyBot!i.3x@kyHelloUglyBot!
2019 (Assistant Research Staff)Ivan KOSTYLEVPostdoc, OIST, Japan
2019 (Visiting Student)Han-Shu XU
2019 (PD)Takanori TANIGUCHItakanHelloUglyBot!ori.tanHelloUglyBot!iguchi.HelloUglyBot!
2019 (Visiting Student)Gwansuk OHPostech, Korea
2019 (PD)Chanchal SOWIIT Kanpur, India
2019 (Visiting Student)Jinkwon KIMSeoul National University, Korea
2019 (Visiting Student)Marco Robert HOFFMANNPhd Student, ETH Zurich, SwitzerlandmarcoHelloUglyBot!.hoffmaHelloUglyBot!nn@mat.HelloUglyBot!
2018 (Visiting Student)Igor MARKOVICSchool of Physics and Astronomy, Univesrity of St Andrews, The United Kingdom
2017 (Visiting Student)Carla PALOMARES GARCIAUniversity of Cambridge, The United Kingdom
2017 (Visiting Student)Han Gyeol LEECenter for Correlated Electron Systems, Institute for Basic Science, Korea
2017 (PD)Takayoshi YAMANAKAProgram-Specific Assistant Professor, IMR, Tohoku University, Japant-yamHelloUglyBot!anaka@rHelloUglyBot!s.tus.aHelloUglyBot!
2017 (Visiting Student)Jan N. HAUSMANN
2016 (PD)Muhammad Shahbaz ANWARUniversity of Cambridge, The United Kingdom
2014 (Student participated in research)Hidenori TANAKASenior Research Scientist, NTT Physics & Informatics (PHI) Laboratories, USA
2014 (Visiting Student)Tim KNAEBLEM1 student, TU Münich, Germanytim.kHelloUglyBot!naeble@HelloUglyBot!mytum.dHelloUglyBot!e
2014 (Visiting Student)Kaveh LAHABIPhD student, Leiden University, The Netherland
2013 (Visiting Student)Kevin MORTIMERM2 student, McMaster University, CanadamortiHelloUglyBot!mkd@mcmHelloUglyBot!aster.cHelloUglyBot!a
2012 (Visiting Researcher)Claude BERTHIERProfessor, Group leader, Solids NMR Group, CNRS Grenoble, France
2011 (PD)Yusuke NAKAIAssociate Professor, Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyog, JapannakaiHelloUglyBot!@sci.u-HelloUglyBot!hyogo.aHelloUglyBot!
2011 (Visiting Student)Florian HUEBLERThe Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
2010 (PD)Yoshihiko IHARALecturer, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, JapanyiharHelloUglyBot!a@phys.HelloUglyBot!sci.hokHelloUglyBot!
2010 (PD)Darren PEETSXide Fellow, Advanced Materials Laboratory, Fudan University, China
2010 (PD)Markus KRIENERSenior Research Scientist, Strong Correlation Materials Research Team, Center for Emergent Matter Science, RIKEN, JapanmarkuHelloUglyBot!s.krienHelloUglyBot!er@rikeHelloUglyBot!
2009 (Visiting Student)Alex YING
2009 (Visiting Student)Paula GIRALDO
2007 (Visiting Student)Jake BOBOWSKIUniversity of British Columbia, Okanagan, CanadaJake.HelloUglyBot!BobowskHelloUglyBot!i@ubc.cHelloUglyBot!a
2005 (Visiting Student)Rosalba T. FITTIPALDIDipartimento di Fisica, Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
2005 (PD)Robin S. PERRYRoyal Society Research fellow, Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions, School of Physics, The University of Edinburgh, UKrobinHelloUglyBot!.perry@HelloUglyBot!!k
2005 (Visiting Student)Nada JOO
2004 (PD)Kazuhiko DEGUCHILecturer, Graduate School of Scicence, Nagoya University, JapandegucHelloUglyBot!hi@nagoHelloUglyBot!ya-u.jpHelloUglyBot!
2003 (Visiting Student)Joe HOOPER
2003 (PD)Naoki KIKUGAWANational Institute for Materials Science, Japan
(PD)Zhiqiang MAOAssociate Professor, Tulane University, USAzmao@HelloUglyBot!tulane.HelloUglyBot!eduHelloUglyBot!
2003 (PD)Tomohiro ARAI
2002Christos PANAGOPOULOSAssociate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Crete, Greece
2001 (PD)Alexey E. KOVALEVUniversity of Pennsylvania / Russian Academy of Sciences, USA / Russia
2001 (PD)Makariy A. TANATARAssociate Scientist, Ames Lab, Iowa State University / Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, USA / Ukraine
1995 (Research Student)Masashi OGAWANan-Yo High School, Japan
1995 (PD)Gennandiy Y. LOGVENOVUniversity of Augsburg / Russian Academy of Sciences, Germany / Russia
1994 (PD)Mark V. KARTSOVNIKBavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities / Russian Academy of Sciences, Germany / Russia
1993 (PD)Yuri V. SUSHKOUniversity of Kentucky / Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, USA / Ukraine
1992 (Research Student)Yong WANG

Former PhD Students

YearNameCurrent PositionE-mail Address
2023Katsuki KINJOAssistant Professor, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, JapankatsuHelloUglyBot!ki.kinjHelloUglyBot!o.c6@toHelloUglyBot!
2021Genki NAKAMINE
2020Atsutoshi IKEDAAssistant Professor, Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto UniversityikedaHelloUglyBot!.atsutoHelloUglyBot!shi.3w@HelloUglyBot!
2019Ivan KOSTYLEVPostdoc, OIST, Japan
2019Yuuki YASUIAssistant Professor, Department of Advanced Materials Science, The university of Tokyo, JapanyasuiHelloUglyBot!@k.u-toHelloUglyBot!!jp
2019Masahiro MANAGOAssistant Professor, Department of Physics and Material Science, Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane University, JapanmanagHelloUglyBot!o@riko.HelloUglyBot!shimaneHelloUglyBot!
2018Mohamed OUDAHPostdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia, CanadamohamHelloUglyBot!ed.oudaHelloUglyBot!h@ubc.cHelloUglyBot!a
2018Anlu SHIData Scientist, EY Strategy and Consulting Co., Ltd., JapanAnlu.HelloUglyBot!Shi@jp.HelloUglyBot!ey.comHelloUglyBot!
2016Takayoshi YAMANAKAProgram-Specific Assistant Professor, IMR, Tohoku University, Japant-yamHelloUglyBot!anaka@rHelloUglyBot!s.tus.aHelloUglyBot!
2016Marco-Polo JIMENEZ-SEGURAAssociate Professor C, Faculty of Chemistry, National Autonomous University of Mexico, MexicompoloHelloUglyBot!@unam.mHelloUglyBot!xHelloUglyBot!
2015Kosuke KARUBE“, Emergent Functional Magnetic Materials Research Unit, Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), RIKEN, Japan
2014Tetsuya IYEEngineering Consultant, Telecommunication Systems Dept., Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc., JapantetsuHelloUglyBot!ya-iye@HelloUglyBot!!jp
2014Haruka TANIGUCHILecturer, Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, JapantanigHelloUglyBot!uchi.haHelloUglyBot!ruka.a5HelloUglyBot!
2013Gaku EGUCHIPosdoc, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, Frontier Superconducting Materials Group, National Institute for Materials Science, JapanEGUCHHelloUglyBot!I.Gaku@HelloUglyBot!nims.goHelloUglyBot!.jp
2013Shunsaku KITAGAWAAssociate Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, JapankitagHelloUglyBot!awa.shuHelloUglyBot!nsaku.8HelloUglyBot!
2012Taketomo NAKAMURAAssociate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Fukuoka insutitute of Technology, JapantaketHelloUglyBot!omo@issHelloUglyBot!p.u-tokHelloUglyBot!
2010Shunichiro KITTAKAAssociate Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, JapankittaHelloUglyBot!ka@physHelloUglyBot!.chuo-uHelloUglyBot!
2010Hiroshi TAKATSUAssociate Professor, Department of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, JapantakatHelloUglyBot!su@scl.HelloUglyBot!kyoto-uHelloUglyBot!
2009Yusuke NAKAIAssociate Professor, Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyog, JapannakaiHelloUglyBot!@sci.u-HelloUglyBot!hyogo.aHelloUglyBot!
2009Yusuke NAMBUAssociate Professor, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Japan
2008Yoshihiko IHARALecturer, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, JapanyiharHelloUglyBot!a@phys.HelloUglyBot!sci.hokHelloUglyBot!
2008Shingo YONEZAWAProfessor, Integrated Function Engineering Laboratory, Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, JapanyonezHelloUglyBot!awa.shiHelloUglyBot!ngo.3m@HelloUglyBot!
2007Kentaro KITAGAWAAssociate Professor, Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, JapankitagHelloUglyBot!@issp.uHelloUglyBot!-tokyo.HelloUglyBot!
2007Hiroshi MURAKAWAAssistant Professor, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, JapanmurakHelloUglyBot!awa@phyHelloUglyBot!s.sci.oHelloUglyBot!
2007Yo MACHIDAProfessor, Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University, Japanyo.maHelloUglyBot!chida@gHelloUglyBot!akushuiHelloUglyBot!
2006Ryuji HIGASHINAKAAssistant Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, JapanhigasHelloUglyBot!hinaka@HelloUglyBot!phys.seHelloUglyBot!
2004Kazuhiko DEGUCHILecturer, Graduate School of Scicence, Nagoya University, JapandegucHelloUglyBot!hi@nagoHelloUglyBot!ya-u.jpHelloUglyBot!
2003Hideto FUKAZAWAAssociate Professor, Graduate School of Science, Chiba University, JapanhidetHelloUglyBot!o@chibaHelloUglyBot!-u.jpHelloUglyBot!
2002Yoshiaki SHIMOJO
2001Satoru NAKATSUJIProfessor, Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, JapansatorHelloUglyBot!u@issp.HelloUglyBot!u-tokyoHelloUglyBot!
2001Shu NAKAHARAIMANA Scientist, Nano-System Field, MANA, NIMS, Japan
2001Masanari MINAMIKATA
2000Eiji OHMICHIAssociate Professor, Kobe University, JapanohmicHelloUglyBot!hi@harbHelloUglyBot!or.kobeHelloUglyBot!
2000Shuji NISHIZAKIGraduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, JapannishiHelloUglyBot!zaki.shHelloUglyBot!uji.6u@HelloUglyBot!
1999Takahiko MASUIAssociate Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kinki University, Japan
1998Hideki HANEDAMitsubishi Electronics, Japan
1998Shinichi IKEDAIndustrial CPS Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), JapanikedaHelloUglyBot!-shin@aHelloUglyBot!ist.go.HelloUglyBot!jp
1997Taliq H. GILANI
1996Kazuyoshi OGASAWARAProfessor, School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
1994Hiroshi KANEKOAssistant Professor, Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology, Kanazawa University, Japan
1993Hiroshi ITOAssociate Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Nagoya University, Japanito@nHelloUglyBot!uap.nagHelloUglyBot!oya-u.aHelloUglyBot!

Former Master Students

Those who proceeded to the Ph.D course are listed in the “Former Ph.D students” table.

YearNameCurrent PositionE-mail Address
2023Soichiro YAMANEPhD student, Graduate school of Engeneering, Kyoto Univerisity, JapanyamanHelloUglyBot!e.soichHelloUglyBot!iro.73fHelloUglyBot!
2023Kazumi FUKUSHIMAIT, employee, Japan
2023Hiroki FUJIBAYASHIIntellectual property management, Hitachi, Ltd., JapanfujibHelloUglyBot!ayashi.HelloUglyBot!hiroki.HelloUglyBot!
2023Naohiro KIMURAMitsubishi Electric, Japan
2022Ryo ARAKIFurukawa Electric Co., Ltd., JapanarakiHelloUglyBot!.ryo.z5HelloUglyBot!2@kyotoHelloUglyBot!
2022Keito OBATAMitsubishi Electric, Japan
2021Mayu KIBUNE
2021Satoshi MATSUZAKI
2020Tomonori OKUNO
2020Shun KOIBUCHIJFE Steel Corporation, Japan
2020Takuto MIYOSHIR & D, Hitachi, Ltd., Japan
2019Haruki SUWASanDisk, Japan
2018Takeshi KAWAMURAFujitsu, Japan
2018Masanao KUNIEDA
2018Kazushi YONEKAWAIwanami Shoten, Publishers, Japan
2018Yuki TASUMIMassachusetts Institute of Technology, USAyukitHelloUglyBot!@mit.edHelloUglyBot!uHelloUglyBot!
2017Ryoichi TAKAKIResearch & development, Resonac Corporation, Japan
2017Kengo TAJIRINTT lab., Japan
2017Takumi HIGUCHIYokogawa Electric Corporation, Japan
2016Yusuke SUGIMOTO
2016Daisuke NISHIMIYA
2015Daisuke SUGIMOTOWestern Digital GK, Japan
2015Daisuke SHIBATAGraduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, JapanshibaHelloUglyBot!ta.daisHelloUglyBot!uke.72wHelloUglyBot!
2015Takeshi ARAI
2014Yuji NAKAMURACanon Inc., Japan
2013Tomohiro KAJIKAWAYokogawa Electric Corporation, Japan
2013Yoshifumi YAMAOKAExawizards Inc., Japan
2012Takuya SUMIAPJ Security Services Division, Akamai Technologies G. K., Japan
2012Ryo ISHIKAWAPanasonic, Japan
2011Tatsuya YAMAGISHIMurata Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Japan
2010Ryoji NAKAGAWAEnergy and Environmental Systems Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.,
2009Tetsuya OHTACanon.Inc, Japan
2009Hitoshi SUGAWARARenesas Electronics Corporation
2009Sotaro TANAKASupervisor, Devices and Applications (Analysis Team), Advanced Technology Research Laboratories, Corporate R&D Division, Sharp Corporation, JapanTanakHelloUglyBot!a.sohtaHelloUglyBot!roh@shaHelloUglyBot!
2008Kentaro KUGAToyota technological institute, Japankuga@HelloUglyBot!mag.ahmHelloUglyBot!f.sci.oHelloUglyBot!
2008Yuzo AONO
2008Shuichi KUSABA
2007Keisuke ONUMA
2007Hideo TAKEYA
2006Yuki UMAJI
2006Hiroshi TONOMURA
2005Masafumi SAITOKYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
2005Keiichi TAKIZAWA
2005Mattew S. FAGAN
2004Osamu SAKAIOtis Engineering Center Japan, Nippon Otis Elevator company
2003Masaki YOSHIOKA
2002Makoto SUZUKISenior Engineer, Hitachi High-Tech Corporation, JapanmakotHelloUglyBot!o.suzukHelloUglyBot!i.yj@hiHelloUglyBot!
2002Daiki YANAGISHIMAROHM Co., ltd.
2002Masahiko WADA
2001Satoshi KAMIYA
2001Kengo SUGAWARAAssociate professor, Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kindai University, JapanksugaHelloUglyBot!har@kinHelloUglyBot!!jp
2001Shuichi NAGAI
2000Takashi AKIMATeacher, Junior High School, Japan
2000Takashi KAWASAKI
2000Ryoji HASEGAWA
1999Takafumi ANDO
1998Yasumitsu MORI
1997Takayuki NAKADA
1995Seiji MATSUURA
1995Hideaki MATSUZAKI
1994Kenji IDAKAProfessor, Section of Sustainable Energy, Institute of Regional Innovation, Hirosaki University, JapanitakaHelloUglyBot!@hirosaHelloUglyBot!ki-u.acHelloUglyBot!.jp
1993Shigeki TAKEUCHIProfessor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan
1992 KITABAYASHIEnergy and Environment Systems Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Japan
1992 SATO

Former Undergraduate Students

Those who proceeded to the Master course are listed in the “Former Master students” table, and those who further proceeded to the Ph.D course are listed in the “Former Ph.D students” table.

YearNameCurrent PositionE-mail Address
2024Aoi SAKAIMaster course student, Quantum Condensed Matter Group, Kyoto University, Japan
2023Kota NOTOMaster course student, Yukawa institute, Kyoto University, Japan
2023Shota YANOMaster course student, Japanroot1HelloUglyBot!456849@HelloUglyBot!gmail.cHelloUglyBot!om
2021Tosiki KIYOSUEMaster course student, Quantum Condensed Matter Group, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Japan
2021takumi KOBAYASHIMaster course student, Ultra Low Temperature Physics Group, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Japan
2020Kanae YADA
2018Yukie TAKASUKA
2018Naho TERAO
2017Ai SHISHIKURADivision of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, JapanshishHelloUglyBot!ikura@kHelloUglyBot!ueps.kyHelloUglyBot!
2016Tomotaka URAISoft Matter Physics Group, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, JapantorarHelloUglyBot!ino.totHelloUglyBot!oro@gmaHelloUglyBot!
2016Kenjiro OKAMOTOOsaka University, JapantiisaHelloUglyBot!kuhabatHelloUglyBot!akou090HelloUglyBot!
2016Suguru NAKATAAssistant professor, Wadati group, Graduate school of science, University of Hyogo, JapannakatHelloUglyBot!a@sci.uHelloUglyBot!-hyogo.HelloUglyBot!
2015Masahiro NARITSUKA
2014Yosuke HANAOKANano-scale Quantum Condensed Matter Physics Lab., Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, JapanhanasHelloUglyBot!an87484HelloUglyBot!71@yahoHelloUglyBot!
2013Takenaka KOHEI
2012Aiko SHIMODA
2012Keiji TATEISHI
2012Jisho MIYAZAKI
2011Masayuki NAKAMURADepartment of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, JapannakamHelloUglyBot!ura03@sHelloUglyBot!cphys.kHelloUglyBot!
2011Hiroki MAEGAWAKodu High School, Japan
2010Jun ISHIKAWAInstitute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japanjun@iHelloUglyBot!ssp.u-tHelloUglyBot!okyo.acHelloUglyBot!.jp
2009Tatsuya IKEDA
2008Jun-ichi OKAMOTO
2007Nobuhiro SHIMAZUI
2007Yujiro HAYASHI
2007Shiro YANO
2006Shingo ONODERA
2006Shuji NAKAMURA
2006Takayuki MURANUSHI
2005Takashi OHNISHI
2005Seiji KANO
2005Akihiko HISADAAssistant Professor, Tokushima University, Japan
2004Makoto YAMASHITA
2004Tatsuro YUGEAssistant Professor, Sizuoka University, Japan
2003Isao SATO
2003Go SATO
2003Takayuki MORIMOTO
2002 OHYA
2002Tran T. TRUNG
2002Kentaro YANO
2001 SAIDA
2001 TSUJI
2000 KUBO
1999Naoki OHSAWA
1998Hiroto ADACHIAssociate Professor, Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University, Japan
1998Takuji NOMURASynchrotron Radiation Research Center, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST), Japan
1997 KIM
1997Teruhisa TAKEDA
1995Yutaka FUJIIAssociate Professor, Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui, JapanfujiiHelloUglyBot!@apphy.HelloUglyBot!u-fukuiHelloUglyBot!
1994Hiroshi TSUKADA
1992So KITSUNEZAKIAssistant Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Nara Women’s University, JapankitsuHelloUglyBot!ne@ki-rHelloUglyBot!in.physHelloUglyBot!
1991Hiroshi KONTANIProfessor, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Japankon@sHelloUglyBot!lab.phyHelloUglyBot!s.nagoyHelloUglyBot!
