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■Short-stay research program for young researchers
Call for Applications
Applicants must be graduate students or young researchers belonging to the laboratories of project members of the Topological Quantum Phenomena project.
- This program offers graduate students and young researchers opportunities to actively learn at host laboratories of the project members. The program encourages participants to broaden their perspectives and to interact directly with young researchers of the host laboratory. The aims of the program are to promote integration of research topics and build an interdisciplinary approach for "topological quantum phenomenon" by discussing common issues and exchanging ideas among young researchers with different scientific background. The period of stay should be more than one week, less than two weeks. Longer stay may be admitted if needed.
- Graduate students (pursuing master or doctoral degree), Post doctoral researchers, specially-appointed researchers, assistant professors are eligible.
Applicants must belong to the laboratories of the project members (including members of solicitation programs).
- Travel and lodging expenses will be reimbursed after the stay.
Travel expense:
To be reimbursed based on the rules of Kyoto University.
(Receipts are not required)
Lodging expense:
9,200 yen per day for Assistant Prof.,and Posdoc;
6,500 yen per day for graduate students- ※Please submit the receipts to the host researcher. Host researchers are required to submit these documents to the administrative committee upon request.
- □Application form
- □Resume and publication list(PDFfile)
- Documents should be submitted electronically to the administrative committee at
(Please cc it to the host researchers.)
- Host researcher is required to submit a letter of acceptance to the administrative committee. Please submit it electronically to
- Participants are responsible for buying an accident and liability insurance which is valid during the stay.
Each participant is required to send a copy of a certificate or receipt to the secretariat.
If a participant needs an arrangement for insurance by the secretariat, please contact
the Topological Quantum Project Office by two weeks before the program starts at
- Participant must submit an activity report within one month after the stay ends.
- Administrative Committee (PIC: Ishikawa / Zheng)
■ Young Researchers' International Workshops
We will hold international workshops organized by young members of this "Topology" project,
for communication and personnel exchanges among Japanese and foreign young researchers
who in future will play major roles in the research field of topological phenomena in condensed matter,
The scope of the workshops covers all research topics of the "Topology" project:
e.g. spin-triplet superconductivity/superfluidity, topological insulators,
novel superconductivity at interfaces, cold atoms, and so on.
The workshops will be held in 2011 and in 2013.
The workshop is also supported by Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) in Korea.
■Workshop 2011 "International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries"
- Venue:
- Laforet Biwako (Shiga Prefecture, Japan)
The Laforet Hotel Biwako is located in Moriyama City, approximately 25km east from Kyoto - Date:
- Nov.1st (Tue.) - 5th (Sat.), 2011
- Participants:
- 50-60 people
- Web page:
- http://mp.okayama-u.ac.jp/topology/index.html
- Organizing Committee:
- Ryuji Nomura [chair] (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Takeshi Mizushima [vice-chair] (Okayama University)
Masatoshi Sato [program chair] (University of Tokyo)
Shingo Yonezawa (Kyoto University)
Kazunori Ueno (Tohoku University)
Tetsuya Takimoto (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)
Keisuke Totsuka (Kyoto University)
Kouji Segawa (Osaka University)
■Workshop 2013
- Venue:
- Culture Resort Festone
3-28-1 Mashiki, Ginowan City, Okinawa, Japan - Date:
- Oct.22th (Tue.) - 26th (Sat.), 2013
- Participants:
- 50-60 people
- Web page:
- http://www.physics.okayama-u.ac.jp/topology2/
- Organizing Committee:
Takeshi MIZUSHIMA [chair] (Okayama University, Japan)
Ryuji NOMURA, [vice-chair] (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Masatoshi SATO, [program chair] (Nagoya University, Japan)
Shingo YONEZAWA (Kyoto University, Japan)
Kazunori UENO (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Kouji SEGAWA (Osaka University, Japan)
Ken OBARA (Osaka City University, Japan)
Tetsuya TAKIMOTO (HanYang University, Korea)
Kazuaki MATANO (Okayama University, Japan)