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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(KAKENHI)
International collaboration
- CIFAR Quantum Materials Program (Canada, Leader: Louis Taillefer)
- EPSRC TOPNES (UK, Leader: A.P. Mackenzie)
Related projects
- 5th Joint Research Meeting of MEXT National Projects on Condensed-Matter Science
- 6th Joint Research Meeting of MEXT National Projects on Condensed-Matter Science
- 7th Joint Research Meeting of MEXT National Projects on Condensed-Matter Science
- 8th Joint Research Meeting of MEXT National Projects on Condensed-Matter Science
- New Materials Science Using Regulated Nano Spaces -Strategy in Ubiquitous Elements
(Tohoku University Katsumi TANIGAKI FY2007-FY2011) - Novel States of Matter Induced by Frustration
(Osaka University Hikaru KAWAMURA FY2007-FY2011) - Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Heavy Electrons"
(The University of Tokyo Kazuo Ueda FY2008-FY2012) - New Frontier of Materials Science Opened by Molecular Degrees of Freedom
(The University of Tokyo Kazushi KANODA FY2008-FY2012) - Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Kyoto University Yoshiteru MAENO FY2010-FY2014) - Materials Design through Computics: Complex Correlation and Non-equilibrium Dynamics
(The University of Tokyo Atsushi OSHIYAMA FY2010-FY2014) - Ultra Slow Muon Microscope
(UNIVERSITY OF YAMANASHI Eiko TORIKAI FY2011-FY2015) - Synergy of Fluctuation and Structure :
Quest for Universal Laws in Non-Equilibrium Systems
(The University of Tokyo Masaki SANO FY2013-FY2017) - Science of Atomic Layers
(Tohoku University Riichiro SAITO FY2013-FY2017) - Molecular Architectonics : Orchestration of Single Molecules for Novel Functions
(Osaka University Hirokazu TADA FY2013-FY2017)