Home > Publications/Presentations > Publications FY2013 (Heisei 25)

■ Acknowledgements
ただし以下で課題番号は、A01: 22103002, B01: 22103003, C01: 22103004, D01: 22103005, 公募研究: 25103701 - 25103724です。
(1)This work was supported by the "Topological Quantum Phenomena" (No. 22103002) Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.
(2)This work was supported by the "Topological Quantum Phenomena" (No. 22103002) KAKENHI on Innovative Areas from MEXT of Japan.
(3)This work was supported by the MEXT KAKENHI (No. 22103002).
■ FY2013 (Heisei 25)
Core Research Group A01
- 015
- "Three-dimensional symmetry-breaking nontrivial topological states"
T. Habe, ,
Physical Review B 89, 115203-1-5 (Mar. 2014).
- 014
- "Photoluminescence fine structures in the fractional quantum Hall effect regime"
, M. Yamaguchi, H. Tamura, , Y. Hirayama, M. Korkusinski, P. Hawrylak,
Physical Review B 89, 115317-1-6 (Mar. 2014).
- 013
- "Spin-Orbital Entanglement and the Breakdown of Singlets and Triplets in Sr2RuO4 Revealed by Spin- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy"
C. N. Veenstra, Z.-H. Zhu, M. Raichle, B. M. Ludbrook, A. Nicolaou, B. Slomski, G. Landolt, S. Kittaka, , J. H. Dil, I. S. Elfimov, M.W. Haverkort, A. Damascelli,
Physical Review Letters 112, 127002-1-5 (Mar. 2014).
- 012
- "Effective thickness of two-dimensional superconductivity in a tunable triangularquantum well of SrTiO3"
, , , M. Kawasaki, , ,
Physical Review B 89, 020508-1-5 (Jan. 2014).
- 011
- "Tunneling spectroscopy of topological superconductors"
, , , Y. Mawatari, ,
Physica E 55, 25-29 (Jan. 2014).
- 010
- "Influence on superconductivity in the parity mixing superconductor Li2T3B(T:Pt,Pd) by non-magnetic impurity and defect doping"
G. Bao, , G. Eguchi, , M. Ichioka, ,
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 494, 95-98 (Nov. 2013).
- 009
- "Anisotropic uniaxial pressure response of the Mott insulator Ca2RuO4"
H. Taniguchi, K. Nishimura, R. Ishikawa, , S. K. Goh, F. Nakamura, ,
Physical Review B 88, 205111-1-6 (Nov. 2013).
- 008
- "Anisotropy of the Superconducting State in Sr2RuO4"
C. Rastovski, C. D. Dewhurst, W. J. Gannon, D. C. Peets, H. Takatsu, , M. Ichioka, K. Machida, M. R. Eskildsen,
Physical Review Letters 111, 087003-1-5 (Aug. 2013).
- 007
- "Robustness of Spin-Triplet Pairing and Singlet-Triplet Pairing Crossoverin Superconductor/Ferromagnet Hybrids"
Shiro KAWABATA, , , Alexander A. GOLUBOV,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 124702 (Nov. 2013).
- 006
- "Robustness of gapless interface states in a junction of two topological insulators"
T. Habe, ,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88, 155442 (Oct. 2013).
- 005
- "Charge and spin supercurrents in triplet superconductor-ferromagnet-singlet superconductorJosephson junctions"
P. M. R. Brydon, Wei Chen, , Dirk Manske,
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88, 054509 (Aug. 2013).
- 004
- "Anomalous switching in Nb/Ru/Sr2RuO4 topological junctions by chiral domain wall motion"
, T. Nakamura, , M. Yakabe, , H. Takayanagi, & ,
Scientific Reports 3, 2480/1/6 (Aug. 2013).
- 003
- "Vortex flipping in superconductor/ferromagnet spin-valve structures"
E. J. Patino, M. Aprili, M. G. Blamire, ,
Physical Review B 87, 214514-1-8 (Jun. 2013).
- 002
- "Gapped Energy Spectra around the Dirac Node at the Surfaceof a Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator in the Presenceof the Time-Reversal Symmetry"
T. HABE, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 064704 (May. 2013).
- 001
- "Phonon anomaly and anisotropic superconducting gap in non-centrosymmetric Li2(Pd1-xPtx)3B"
G. Eguchi, D. C. Peets, M. Kriener, , G. Bao, S. Harada, , , ,
Physical Review B 87, 161203-1-4 (Apr. 2013).
Core Research Group B01
- 016
- "Nonlinear Transport of Positive Ions Below a Free Surface of Topological Superfluid 3He-B"
, K. Kono,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 175, 718-724--17 (Mar. 2014).
- 015
- "Multiple half-quantum vortices in rotating superfluid 3He"
, T. Ohmi,
Physical Review B 89, 104515-1-5 (Mar. 2014).
- 014
- "Surface Majorana Cone of the Topological Superfluid 3He B phase"
, S. Murakawa, M. Wasai, K. Akiyama, T. Nakao, Y. Okuda,
Physics E 55, 42-47-1-7 (Jan. 2014).
- 013
- "Counter-rotating vortices in miscible two-component Bose-Einstein condensates"
S. Ishino, M. Tsubota, ,
Physical Review A 88, 063617-1-8 (Dec. 2013).
- 012
- "Mobility of Ions Trapped Below a Free Surface of Superfluid 3He"
, S. B. Chung, K. Kono,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 124607-1-12 (Nov. 2013).
- 011
- "Nambu-Goldstone modes in segregated Bose-Einstein condensates"
, K. Kasamatsu,
Physical Review A 88, 043612-1-5 (Oct. 2013).
- 010
- "D-brane solitons and boojums in field theory and Bose-Einstein condensates"
K. Kasamatsu, , ,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 404213-1-15 (Sep. 2013).
- 009
- "Wall-vortex composite solitons in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates"
K. Kasamatsu, , M. Tsubota, ,
Physical Review A 88, 013620-1-14 (Jul. 2013).
- 008
- "Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Superfluid 3He-A"
, Y. Tsutsumi, K. Kono,
Science 341, 1236509-1-5 (Jul. 2013).
- 007
- "Time-of-Flight Measurements of Vortices Emitted from QuantumTturbulence in Superfluid 4He"
H. Kubo, Y. Nago, A. Nishijima, , H. Yano, , T. Hata,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 171, 446-472 (Jun. 2013).
- 006
- "Enhancement of Magnetization in Liquid 3He at Aerogel Interface"
A. Fukui, K. Kondo, C. Kato, , H. Yano, , T. Hata,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 171, 245-250 (Jun. 2013).
- 005
- "Instability crossover of helical shear flow in segregated Bose-Einstein condensates"
S. Hayashi, M. Tsubota, ,
Physical Review A 87, 063628-1-9 (Jun. 2013).
- 004
- "Possible Existence of Dense Superfluid 3He-4He Mixture in Aerogel"
R. Ito, Y. Tanaka, J. Hitomi, R. Toda, M. Kanemoto, ,
J. Low Temp. Phys. 171, 251-258-1-8 (May 2013).
- 003
- "Textures of Rotating Superfluid 3He-A in a Single Narrow Cylinder"
, H. Nema, , M. Kubota, T. Takagi, , ,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 171, 280-286-1-7 (May 2013).
- 002
- "Tachyon Condensation and Brane Annihilation in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Restricted Lower-Dimensional Subspace"
, K. Kasamatsu, M. Tsubota, ,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 171, 443-454 (May. 2013).
- 001
- "Magnetic Response of Odd-Frequency s-Wave Cooper Pairs in a Superfluid Proximity System"
, , S. Matsuo, Y. Nagato, K. Nagai,
Physical Review Letters 110, 175301-1-5 (Apr. 2013).
Core Research Group C01
- 021
- "Topological surface transport in epitaxial SnTe thin films grown on Bi2Te3"
A. A. Taskin, , Satoshi Sasaki, , ,
Physical Review B 89, 121302-1-5 (Mar. 2014).
- 020
- "Doping evolution of the quasiparticle excitations in heavily hole-doped Ba1-xKxFe2As2:A possible superconducting gap with sign-reversal between hole pockets"
D. Watanabe, T. Yamashita, Y. Kawamoto, S. Kurata, Y. Mizukami, T. Ohta, S. Kasahara, M. Yamashita, T. Saito, H. Fukazawa, Y. Kohori, S. Ishida, K. Kihou, C. H. Lee, A. Iyo, H. Eisaki, A. B. Vorontsov, , Y. Matsuda,
Physical Review B 89, 115112-1-5 (Mar. 2014).
- 019
- "Interlayer Diffusion of Nuclear Spin Polarization in ν= 2/3 Quantum Hall States"
M. Nguyen, S. Tsuda, D. Terasawa, , Y. Zheng, A. Sawada,
Physical Review B 89, 041403-1-5 (Jan. 2014).
- 018
- "Effective thickness of two-dimensional superconductivity in a tunable triangularquantum well of SrTiO3"
, , , M. Kawasaki, , ,
Physical Review B 89, 020508-1-5 (Jan. 2014).
- 017
- "Field-induced superconductivity in electric double layer transistors"
, H. Shimotani, H. T. Yuan, J. T. Ye, M. Kawasaki, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83, 032001-1-16 (Jan. 2014).
- 016
- "Relationship between Fermi surface warping and out-of-plane spin polarization in topological insulators: A view from spin- and angle-resolved photoemission"
M. Nomura, S. Souma, A. Takayama, , T. Takahashi, K. Eto, , ,
Physical Review B 89, 045134-1-6 (Jan. 2014).
- 015
- "Electromagnetic and thermal responses in topological matter: topological terms, quantum anomalies and D-branes"
A. Furusaki, , , S. Ryu, T. Takayanagi,
Comptes Rendus Physique 14, 871-883-1-14 (Dec. 2013).
- 014
- "Two types of Dirac-cone surface states on the (111) surface of the topological crystalline insulator SnTe"
Y. Tanaka, T. Shoman, K. Nakayama, S. Souma, , T. Takahashi, M. Novak, , ,
Physical Review B 88, 235126-1-5 (Dec. 2013).
- 013
- "Nuclear spin relaxation in the SU(4) spin-pseudospin intertwined skyrmion regime in the ν=1 bilayer quantum Hall state"
S. Tsuda, M. H. Nguyen, D. Terasawa, , Z. F. Ezawa, A. Sawada,
Physical Review B 88, 205103-1-5 (Nov. 2013).
- 012
- "Electric-Field-Induced Superconductivity on an Organic/Oxide Interfaces"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52, 110129-1-9 (Nov. 2013).
- 011
- "Influence on superconductivity in the parity mixing superconductor Li2T3B(T:Pt,Pd) by non-magnetic impurity and defect doping"
G. Bao, , G. Eguchi, , M. Ichioka, ,
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 494, 95-98 (Nov. 2013).
- 010
- "5d iridium oxide as a material for spin-current detection"
K. Fujiwara, Y. Fukuma, , H. Idzuchi, Y. Niimi, Y. Otani, H. Takagi,
Nature Communications 4, 2893-1-6 (Dec. 2013).
- 009
- "Unusual nature of fully gapped superconductivity in In-doped SnTe"
M. Novak, S. Sasaki, M. Kriener, , ,
Physical Review B 88, 140502-1-5 (Oct. 2013).
- 008
- "Quantum Oscillations of the Metallic Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet PdCrO2"
Jong Mok Ok, Y. J. Jo, Kyoo Kim, , E. S. Choi, Han-Jin Noh, , B. I. Min, Jun Sung Kim,
Physical Review Letters 111, 176405-1-5 (Oct. 2013).
- 007
- "Topological Insulator Materials"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 102001-1-32 (Sep. 2013).
- 006
- "Zeeman-type spin splitting controlled by an electric field"
H. Yuan, M. S. Bahramy, K. Morimoto, S. Wu, , Bohm-Jung Yang, H. Shimotani, R. Suzuki, M. Toh, C. Kloc, X. Xu, R. Arita, ,
Nature Physics 9, 2691-1-7 (Jul. 2013).
- 005
- "NMR and NQR Studies on Non-centrosymmetric Superconductors Re7B3, LaBiPt, and BiPd"
, Satoki Maeda, Hiroki Sawaoka, Yuji Muro, Toshiro Takabatake, Bhanu Joshi, Srinivasan Ramakrishnan, Kenji Kawashima, Jun Akimitsu, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 084711-1-5 (Jul. 2013).
- 004
- "Superconductivity in Tetragonal LaPt2-xGe2+x"
Satoki Maeda, , Hiroki Sawaoka, , ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 065002-1-2 (May. 2013).
- 003
- "Fermiology of Strongly Spin-Orbit Coupled Superconductor Sn1-xInxTe and its Implication to Topological Superconductivity"
, Y. Tanaka, K. Nakayama, S. Souma, T. Takahashi, S. Sasaki, Z. Ren, A. A. Taskin, , ,
Physical Review Letters 110, 206804-1-5 (May. 2013).
- 002
- "Phonon anomaly and anisotropic superconducting gap in non-centrosymmetric Li2(Pd1-xPtx)3B"
G. Eguchi, D. C. Peets, M. Kriener, , G. Bao, S. Harada, , , ,
Physical Review B 87, 161203-1-4 (Apr. 2013).
- 001
- "Tunability of the k-space Location of the Dirac Cones in the Topological Crystalline Insulator Pb1-xSnxTe"
Y. Tanaka, , K. Nakayama, S. Souma, T. Takahashi, Zhi Ren, M. Novak, , ,
Physical Review B 87, 155105-1-5 (Apr. 2013).
Core Research Group D01
- 076
- "Domain walls and vortices in chiral symmetry breaking"
M. Eto, Y. Hirono, ,
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2014, 033B01-1-14 (Mar. 2014).
- 075
- "Topological influence and backaction between topological excitations"
Shingo Kobayashi, Nicolas Tarantino, ,
Physical Review A 89, 033603-1-11 (Mar. 2014).
- 074
- "Lee-Yang cluster expansion approach to the BCS-BEC crossover: BCS and BEC limits"
Naoyuki Sakumichi, Yusuke Nishida, ,
Physical Review A 89, 033622-1-17 (Mar. 2014).
- 073
- "Microscopic Origin and Universality Classes of the Efimov Three-body Parameter"
Pascal Naidon, Shimpei Endo, ,
Physical Review Letters 112, 105301-1-5 (Mar. 2014).
- 072
- "Kelvin modes as Nambu-Goldstone modes along superfluid vortices and relativistic strings: Finite volume size effects"
M. Kobayashi, ,
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2014, 021B01-1-6 (Feb. 2014).
- 071
- "Correlated spin currents generated by resonant-crossed Andreev reflections in topological superconductors"
James J. He, Jiansheng Wu, Ting-Pong Choy, Xiong-Jun Liu, & K. T. Law,
Nature Communications 5, 4232/1/9 (Feb. 2014).
- 070
- "Disorder effects on thermal transport on the surface of topological superconductors by the self-consistent Born approximation"
R. Nakai, ,
Physical Review B 89, 064503-1-9 (Feb. 2014).
- 069
- "Multiband effects on Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov states of Pauli-limited superconductors"
M. Takahashi, , ,
Physical Review B 89, 064505-1-16 (Feb. 2014).
- 068
- "Dynamical axion in topological superconductors and superfluids"
K. Shiozaki, ,
Physical Review B 89, 054506-1-12 (Feb. 2014).
- 067
- "Giant magnetoresistance in the junction of two ferromagnets on the surfaceof diffusive topological insulators"
K. Taguchi, , ,
Physical Review B 89, 085407-1-5 (Feb. 2014).
- 066
- "Baryonic sphere: A spherical domain wall carrying baryon number"
S. B. Gudnason, ,
Physical Review D 89, 025012-1-8 (Jan. 2014).
- 065
- "Torus knots as Hopfions"
M. Kobayashia, ,
Physics Letters B 728, 314-318-1-5 (Jan. 2014).
- 064
- "Non-Abelian vortices with an Aharonov-Bohm effect"
J. Evslin, K. Konishi, , K. Ohashif, W. Vincig,
Journal of High Energy Physics 1, 086-1-24 (Jan. 2014).
- 063
- "Vortices and other topological solitons in dense quark matter"
M. Eto, Y. Hirono, , S. Yasui,
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2014, 012D01-1-149 (Jan. 2014).
- 062
- "Theoretical modeling and properties of class DIII topological superconductors"
S. Nakosai, , ,
Physica E 55, 37-41-1-5 (Jan. 2014).
- 061
- "Tunneling spectroscopy of topological superconductors"
, , , Y. Mawatari, ,
Physica E 55, 25-29 (Jan. 2014).
- 060
- "Mirror Majorana zero modes in spinful superconductors/superfluids Non-Abelian anyons in integer quantum vortices"
, , ,
Physica E 55, 20-24-1-6 (Jan. 2014).
- 059
- "Interference of Majorana fermions in NS junctions"
, ,
Physica E 55, 13-19-1-8 (Jan. 2014).
- 058
- "Mirror Majorana zero modes in spinful superconductors/superfluids -Non-Abelian anyons in integer quantum vortices-"
, , ,
Physica E 55, 20-24-1-6 (Jan. 2014).
- 057
- "Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov States in Two-Band Superconductors"
, M. Takahashi, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83, 023703-1-5 (Jan. 2014).
- 056
- "磁気トポロジカル絶縁体"
パリティ 29, 30-33 (Jan. 2014).
- 055
- "Spin diffusion and magnetoresistance in ferromagnet/topological-insulator junctions"
, Y. Tserkovnyak,
Physical Review B 89, 035408-1-6 (Jan. 2014).
- 054
- "Superconducting proximity effect in silicene: Spin-valley-polarized Andreev reflection,nonlocal transport, and supercurrent"
J. Linder, ,
Physical Review B 89, 020504-1-5 (Jan. 2014).
- 053
- "Spintronics and spincaloritronics in topological insulators"
, S. Murakami,
Physica E 55, 2014-1-8 (Jan. 2014).
- 052
- "Two types of Dirac-cone surface states on the (111) surface of the topological crystalline insulator SnTe"
, T. Shoman, K. Nakayama, S. Souma, , T. Takahashi, M. Novak, , ,
Physical Review B 88, 235126-1-5 (Dec. 2013).
- 051
- "Electromagnetic and thermal responses in topological matter: topological terms, quantum anomalies and D-branes"
A. Furusaki, , , S. Ryu, T. Takayanagi,
Comptes Rendus Physique 14, 871-883-1-14 (Dec. 2013).
- 050
- "Parity-mixed Superconductivity in Locally Non-centrosymmetric System"
T. Yoshida, M. Sigrist, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83, 013703-1-5 (Dec. 2013).
- 049
- "Vortex Polygons and Their Stabilities in Bose-Einstein Condensates and Field Theory"
M. Kobayashi, ,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 175, 208-215-1-8 (Nov. 2013).
- 048
- "Two-dimensional p-wave superconducting states with magnetic moments on a conventional s-wave superconductor"
S. Nakosai, , ,
Physical Review B 88, 180503-1-5 (Nov. 2013).
- 047
- "Robustness of Spin-Triplet Pairing and Singlet-Triplet Pairing Crossoverin Superconductor/Ferromagnet Hybrids"
Shiro KAWABATA, , , Alexander A. GOLUBOV,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 124702 (Nov. 2013).
- 046
- "Theory of tunneling spectroscopy in a superconducting topological insulator"
, K. Yada, , ,
Physica C 494, 20-23-1-4 (Nov. 2013).
- 045
- "Integral quantum fluctuation theorems under measurement and feedback control"
K. Funo, Y. Watanabe, ,
Physical Review E 88, 052121-1-6 (Nov. 2013).
- 044
- "Thermodynamic work gain from entanglement"
K. Funo, Y. Watanabe, ,
Physical Review A 88, 052319-1-7 (Nov. 2013).
- 043
- "On Reflectionless Nature of Self-Consistent Multi-Soliton Solutions in Bogoliubov-de Gennes and Chiral Gross-Neveu Models"
D. A. Takahashi, ,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 175, 250-257-1-8 (Oct. 2013).
- 042
- "Vortex molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates"
, M. Eto, M. Cipriani,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 175, 177-188-1-12 (Oct. 2013).
- 041
- "Quantum Oscillations of the Metallic Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet PdCrO2"
Jong Mok Ok, Y. J. Jo, Kyoo Kim, , E. S. Choi, Han-Jin Noh, , B. I. Min, Jun Sung Kim,
Physical Review Letters 111, 176405-1-5 (Oct. 2013).
- 040
- "Upt3 as a Topological Crystalline Superconductor"
Y. Tsutsumi, M. Ishikawa, T. Kawakami, , , M. Ichioka, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 113707-1-5 (Oct. 2013).
- 039
- "Fluctuation-induced and symmetry-prohibited metastabilities in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates"
Nguyen Thanh Phuc, , ,
Physical Review A 88, 043629-1-18 (Oct. 2013).
- 038
- "Simultaneous continuous measurement of photon-counting and homodyne detection on a free photon field: dynamics of state reduction and mutual influence of measurement backaction"
Y. Kuramochi, Y. Watanabe, ,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46, 425303-1-20 (Oct. 2013).
- 037
- "Crossover between Integer and Fractional Vortex Lattices in Coherently CoupledTwo-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates"
Mattia Cipriani, ,
Physical Review Letters 111, 170401-1-5 (Oct. 2013).
- 036
- "Ground-State Energies of Spinless Fermions and Hard-Core Bosons"
W. Nie, H. Katsura, ,
Physical Review Letters 111, 100402-1-5 (Sep. 2013).
- 035
- "Topological Phase Transition without Gap Closing"
M. Ezawa, & ,
Scientific Reports 3, 2790/1/10 (Sep. 2013).
- 034
- "Possible Odd-Frequency Pairing in Quasi-One-Dimensional Organic Superconductors (TMTSF)2X"
K. Shigeta, S. Onari, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 104702-1-5 (Sep. 2013).
- 033
- "Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a trapped ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensate"
H. Saito, , ,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 404212-1-9 (Sep. 2013).
- 032
- "D-brane solitons and boojums in field theory and Bose-Einstein condensates"
K. Kasamatsu, , ,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 404213-1-15 (Sep. 2013).
- 031
- "Vortex graphs as N-omers and CPN-1 skyrmions in N-componentBose-Einstein condensates"
M. Eto, ,
Europhysics Letters 103, 60006-1-7 (Sep. 2013).
- 030
- "Charge transport in pn and npn junctions of silicene"
, M. Ezawa, , ,
Nuclear Physics B 88, 085322-1-8 (Aug. 2013).
- 029
- "Symmetry-Protected Majorana Fermions in Topological Crystalline Superconductors:Theory and Application to Sr2RuO4"
Y. Ueno, , , ,
Physical Review Letters 111, 087002-1-6 (Aug. 2013).
- 028
- "Integer Quantum Hall State in Two-Component Bose Gases in a Synthetic Magnetic Field"
S. Furukawa, ,
Physical Review Letters 111, 090401-1-5 (Aug. 2013).
- 027
- "Winding Hopfions on R2×S1"
M. Kobayashi, ,
Nuclear Physics B 876, 605-618 (Aug. 2013).
- 026
- "Zeeman-type spin splitting controlled by an electric field"
H. Yuan, M. S. Bahramy, K. Morimoto, S. Wu, , Bohm-Jung Yang, H. Shimotani, R. Suzuki, M. Toh, C. Kloc, X. Xu, R. Arita, ,
Nature Physics 9, 2691-1-7 (Jul. 2013).
- 025
- "Spin Susceptibility in Non-centrosymmetric Superconductors with Topological Transition of Fermi Surfaces"
D. Maruyama, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 084704-1-5 (Jul. 2013).
- 024
- "Magnetic domain growth in a ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensate: Effects of current"
K. Kudo, ,
Physical Review A 88, 013630-1-7 (Jul. 2013).
- 023
- "Topological phases of quasi-one-dimensional fermionic atoms with a synthetic gauge field"
, ,
New Journal of Physics 15, 075010-1-17 (Jul. 2013).
- 022
- "Multi-Orbital Superconductivity in SrTiO3 /LaAlO3 Interface and SrTiO3 Surface"
Y. Nakamura, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 083705-1-5 (Jul. 2013).
- 021
- "Gauge-spin-space rotation-invariant vortices in spin-orbit-coupled"
Zhi-Fang Xu, S. Kobayashi, ,
Physical Review A 88, 013621-1-11 (Jul. 2013).
- 020
- "Wall-vortex composite solitons in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates"
K. Kasamatsu, , M. Tsubota, ,
Physical Review A 88, 013620-1-14 (Jul. 2013).
- 019
- "All exact solutions of non-Abelian vortices fromYang-Mills instantons"
M. Eto, T. Fujimori, , K. Ohashi,
Journal of High Energy Physics 7, 034-1-15 (Jul. 2013).
- 018
- "Vortex lattices in three-component Bose-Einstein condensates under rotation:Simulating colorful vortex lattices in a color superconductor"
Mattia Cipriani, ,
Physical Review A 88, 013634-1-8 (Jul. 2013).
- 017
- "Spinor Bose gases: Symmetries, magnetism, and quantum dynamics"
Dan M. Stamper-Kurn, ,
Reviews of Modern Physics 85, 1191-1-54 (Jul. 2013).
- 016
- "Perfectly conducting channel on the dark surface of weak topological insulators"
Y. Yoshimura, A. Matsumoto, Y. Takane, ,
Physical Review B 88, 045408-1-4 (Jul. 2013).
- 015
- "Electrically tunable topological state in [111] perovskite materials with an antiferromagnetic exchange field"
Q. -F. Liang, L. H. Wu, ,
New Journal of Physics 15, 63031-1-10 (Jun, 2013).
- 014
- "Detecting Majorana fermions by nonlocal entanglement between quantum dots"
Z. Wang, X. -Y. Hu, Q. -F. Liang, ,
Phys. Rev. B 87, 214513-1-5 (Jun, 2013).
- 013
- "Controllable valley and spin transport in ferromagnetic silicene junctions"
Physical Review B 87, 241409-1-4 (Jun. 2013).
- 012
- "Atomic spin-orbit coupling synthesized with magnetic-field-gradient pulses"
Zhi-Fang Xu, Li You, ,
Physical Review A 87, 063634-1-6 (Jun. 2013).
- 011
- "Fractional vortex molecules and vortex polygons in a baby Skyrme model"
M. Kobayashi, ,
Physical Review D 87, 125013-1-10 (Jun. 2013).
- 010
- "Unified Description of Dirac Electrons on a Curved Surface of Topological Insulators"
Y. Takane, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 074712-1-8 (Jun. 2013).
- 009
- "Symmetry Protected Weak Topological Phases in a Superlattice"
T. Fukui, , Y. Hatsugai,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 073708-1-5 (Jun. 2013).
- 008
- "DisorderedWeak and Strong Topological Insulators"
K. Kobayashi, T. Ohtsuki, ,
Physical Review Letters 110, 236803-1-5 (Jun. 2013).
- 007
- "Tachyon Condensation and Brane Annihilation in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Restricted Lower-Dimensional Subspace"
, K. Kasamatsu, M. Tsubota, ,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 171, 443-454 (May. 2013).
- 006
- "Spin-triplet pairing state of Sr2RuO4 in the c-axis magnetic field"
S. Takamatsu, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82, 063706-1-5 (May. 2013).
- 005
- "Criticality of the metal-topological insulator transition driven by disorder"
, , , Y. Kuramoto,
Physical Review B 87, 205141-1-11 (May. 2013).
- 004
- "Protection of the surface states in topological insulators: Berry phase perspective"
, Y. Takane,
Physical Review B 87, 205409-1-6 (May. 2013).
- 003
- "Strong coupling expansion in a correlated three-dimensional topological insulator"
A. Sekine, T. Z. Nakano, Y. Araki, ,
Physical Review B 87, 165142-1-9 (Apr. 2013).
- 002
- "Non-Abelian quasigapless modes localized on mass vortices in superfluid 3He-B"
, M. Shifman, W. Vinci,
Physical Review D 87, 081702-1-7 (Apr. 2013).
- 001
- "Sine-Gordon kinks on a domain wall ring"
M. Kobayashi, ,
Physical Review D 87, 085003-1-6 (Apr. 2013).