Home > Publications/Presentations > Publications FY2010 (Heisei 22)
■ Acknowledgements
ただし以下で課題番号は、A01: 22103002, B01: 22103003, C01: 22103004, D01: 22103005, 公募研究: 231035XX, etc.です。
(1)This work was supported by the "Topological Quantum Phenomena" (No. 22103002) Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.
(2)This work was supported by the "Topological Quantum Phenomena" (No. 22103002) KAKENHI on Innovative Areas from MEXT of Japan.
(3)This work was supported by the MEXT KAKENHI (No. 22103002).
■ FY2010 (Heisei 22)
Core Research Group A01
- 010
- "Crystallographic and superconducting properties of the fully gapped noncentrosymmetric 5d-electron superconductors CaMSi3 (M = Ir, Pt)"
G. Eguchi, D.C. Peets, M. Kriener, , E. Nishibori, Y. Kumazawa, K. Banno, S. Maki, H. Sawa,
Physical Review B 83, 024512 (Jan. 2011).
- 009
- "Observation of half-height magnetization steps in Sr2RuO4"
J. Jang, D.G. Ferguson, V. Vakaryuk, R. Budakian, S.B. Chung, P.M. Goldbart, ,
Science 311, 186-188 (Jan. 2011).
- 008
- "Fabrication and transport properties of Sr2RuO4 microdevices"
, H. Kambara, H. Kashiwaya, T. Furuta, H. Yaguchi, , , ,
Physica C 470, S736-S737 (Dec. 2010).
- 007
- "Unconventional transport characteristics of p-wave superconducting junctions in Sr2RuO4-Ru eutectic system"
H. Kambara, H. Kashiwaya, H. Yaguchi, , , ,
Physica C 470, S685-S687 (Dec. 2010).
- 006
- "Theory of quantum transport in Josephson junctions with a ferromagnetic insulator"
S. Kawabata, ,
Low Temperature Physics 36, 915-919 (Dec. 2010).
- 005
- "Superconducting properties of noncentrosymmetric CaIrSi3"
G. Eguchi, D.C. Peets, M. Kriener, S. Maki, E. Nishibori, H. Sawa, ,
Physica C 470, S762-S763 (Dec. 2010).
- 004
- "Uniaxial pressure effect on the superconductivity in the Sr3Ru2O7 region of the Sr3Ru2O7-Sr2RuO4 eutectic system"
Shunichiro Kittaka, Hiroshi Yaguchi, , Rosalba Fittipaldi, Antonio Vecchione,
Physica C 470, S728-S729 (Dec. 2010).
- 003
- "Thermally induced 0-pi phase transition in Josephson junctions through a ferromagnetic oxide filmferromagnetic-insulator heterostructures"
S. Kawabata, , A. A. Golubov, , ,
Physica C 470, 1496-1498 (Nov. 2010).
- 002
- "DC Current Driven Critical Current Variation in Sr2RuO4-Ru Junction Proved by Local Transport Measurements"
H. Kambara, T. Matsumoto, H. Kashiwaya, , H. Yaguchi, , , ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79, 74708-1-5 (Jul. 2010).
- 001
- "Tunneling between Two Helical Superconductors via Majorana Edge Channels"
, , ,
Physical Review Letters 105, 56402-1-4 (Jul. 2010).
Core Research Group B01
- 012
- "Transition into the Supersolid (SS) State, Supersolid: Density ρss and the Critical Velocity Vc to Destroy the SS State"
, N. Shimizu, Y. Yasuta, A. Kitamura, M. Yagi,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 162, 483-491 (Mar. 2011).
- 011
- "Probable Observation of Quantized Vortex Lines Through Solid He Under DC Rotation"
M. Yagi, A. Kitamura, N. Shimizu, Y. Yasuta, ,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 162, 492-499 (Mar. 2011).
- 010
- "Acoustic Resonance of Superfluid 3He in Parallel Plates"
, C. Kato, S. Sasamoto, H. Yano, , T. Hata, , K. Nagai,
Journal of Low TemperuturePhysics 162, 190-195 (Feb. 2011).
- 009
- "Time-of-Flight Experiments of Vortex Rings Propagating from Turbulent Region of Superfluid He-4 at High Temperature"
Y. Nago, T. Ogawa, , H. Yano, , T. Hata,
Journal of Low TemperuturePhysics 162, 322-328 (Feb. 2011).
- 008
- "Mathematical framework for detection and quantification of nonclassical correlation"
A. SaiToh, R. Rahimi, ,
Quantum Information and Computation 11, 0167-0180 (Jan. 2011).
- 007
- "Surface Andreev bound states of the superfluid 3He B phase"
, S. Murakawa, Y.Wada, Y. Tamura, M. Wasai, K. Akiyama, M. Saitoh, Y. Aoki, Y. Okuda,
Physica E 43, 718-721 (Jan. 2011).
- 006
- "Surface Majorana Cone of the Superfluid 3 B Phase"
S. Murakawa, Y. Wada, Y. Tamura, M. Wasai, M. Saitoh, Y. Aoki, , Y. Okuda, Y. Nagato, M. Yamamoto, , K. Nagai,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80, 013602-1-4 (Dec. 2010).
- 005
- "Tractable measure of nonclassical correlation using density matrix truncations"
A. Saitoh, R. Rahimi, ,
Quantum Information Processing , 95-117 (Nov. 2010).
- 004
- "Quantum Computing with p-Wave Superfluid Vortices"
T. Ohmi, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79, 104602-1-5 (Oct. 2010).
- 003
- "Frictional motion of normal-fluid component of superfluid 3He in aerogel"
, C. Kato, T. Matsukura, Y. Nago, R. Kado, H. Yano, , T. Hata, , K. Nagai,
Physical Review B 82, 054521-1-7 (Aug. 2010).
- 002
- "Vortex Dynamics in hcp Solid 4He"
, N. Shimizu, Y. Yasuta, P. Gumann, S. Nemirovskii,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 158, 572-577 (2010).
- 001
- "Vortex generation induced by low-frequency wire vibration in superfluid 3He-B"
Y. Nago, M. Inui, R. Kado, , H. Yano, , T. Hata,
Physical Review B 82, 224511-1-7 (Aug. 2010).
Core Research Group C01
- 011
- "Bulk Superconducting Phase with a Full Energy Gap in the Doped Topological Insulator CuxBi2Se3"
M. Kriener, , Z. Ren, S. Sasaki, ,
Physical Review Letters 106, 127004-1-4 (Mar. 2011).
- 010
- "Emergence of superconductivity on a SrTiO3 surface by electric-field charge accumulation"
, S. Nakamura, H. Shimotani, , , M. Kawasaki, ,
Proceedings of SPIE 7940, 26 (Mar. 2011).
- 009
- "Observation of anomalous Hall effect in EuO epitaxial thin films grown by a pulse laser deposition"
T. Yamasaki, , A. Tsukazaki, T. Fukumura, M. Kawasaki,
Applied Physics Letters 98, 082116-1-3 (Feb. 2011).
- 008
- "Large bulk resistivity and surface quantum oscillations in the topological insulator Bi2Te2Se"
Zhi Ren, A. A. Taskin, S. Sasaki, , ,
Physical Review B 82, 241306-1-4 (Dec. 2010).
- 007
- "トポロジカル絶縁体の実験研究"
固体物理 Solid State Physics 45, 667-680 (Nov. 2010).
- 006
- "Surface-Assisted Spin Hall Effect in Au Films with Pt Impurities"
B. Gu, I. Sugai, T. Ziman, G. Y. Guo, , T. Seki, K. Takanashi, ,
Physical Review Letters 105, 216401-1-4 (Nov.2010).
- 005
- "11B and 195Pt NMR study of the superconductors Li2(Pd1-xPtx)3B without inversion symmetry"
S. Harada, , ,
Physica C: Superconductivity 470, 1089-1091 (Nov.2010).
- 004
- "High-Throughput Screening of Ultraviolet-Visible Magnetooptical Properties of Spinel Ferrite (Zn,Co)Fe2O4 Solid Solution Epitaxial Film by a Composition-Spread Approach"
Y. Iwasaki, T. Fukumura, H. Kimura, A. Ohkubo, T. Hasegawa, Y. Hirose, T. Makino, , M. Kawasaki,
Applied Physics Express 3, 103001-1-3 (Oct. 2010).
- 003
- "Direct Evidence for the Dirac-Cone Topological Surface States in the Ternary Chalcogenide TlBiSe2"
T. Sato, , H. Guo, K. Sugawara, S. Souma, T. Takahashi, ,
Physical Review Letters 105, 136802-1-4 (Sep. 2010).
- 002
- "Oscillatory angular dependence of the magnetoresistance in a topological insulator Bi1-xSbx"
A. A. Taskin, , ,
Physical Review B 82, 121302-1-4 (Sep. 2010).
- 001
- "Tunneling between Two Helical Superconductors via Majorana Edge Channels"
, , ,
Physical Review Letters 105, 056402-1-4 (Jul. 2010).
Core Research Group D01
- 016
- "Universal physics of 2+1 particles with non-zero angular momentum"
S. Endo, P. Naidon, ,
Few-body Systems 51, 204-217 (Mar. 2011).
- 015
- "Surface density of states and topological edge states in noncentrosymmetric superconductors"
K. Yada, , , ,
Physical Review B 83, 064505-1-9 (Feb. 2011).
- 014
- "Rotating Dipolar Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensates"
T.P. Simula, J.A.M. Huhtamaki, M. Takahashi, , K. Machida,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80, 013001-1-4 (Jan. 2011).
- 013
- "Effects of Majorana Edge Fermions on Dynamical Spin Susceptibility in Topological Superfluid 3He-B"
, K. Machida,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 162, 204-211 (Jan. 2011).
- 012
- "Majorana Edge Modes of Superfluid 3He A- and B-Phases"
Y. Tsutsumi, , M. Ichioka, K. Machida,
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 162, 196-203 (Jan. 2011).
- 011
- "Quasi-Nambu-Goldstone modes in Bose-Einstein condensates"
S. Uchino, M. Kobayashi, M. Nitta, ,
Physical Review Letters 105, 230406-1-4 (Dec. 2010).
- 010
- "Hydrodynamic equation of a spinor dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate"
K. Kudo, ,
Physical Review A 82, 053614-1-9 (Nov. 2010).
- 009
- "Majorana edge modes of superfluid 3He A phase in a slab"
Y. Tsutsumi, , M. Ichioka, K. Machida,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79, 113601-1-4 (Nov. 2010).
- 008
- "Existence of Majorana Fermions and Topological Order in Nodal Superconductors with Spin-Orbit Interactions in External Magnetic Fields"
, S. Fujimoto,
Physical Review Letters 105, 217001-1-4 (Nov. 2010).
- 007
- "Spontaneous Magnetic Ordering in a Ferromagnetic Spinor Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate"
, H. Saito, K. Kudo, ,
Physical Review A 82, 043627-1-17 (Oct. 2010).
- 006
- "Large out-of-plane spin polarization in a spin-splitting one-dimensional metallic surface state on Si (557)-Au"
T. Okuda, K. Miyamaoto, Y. Takeichi, H. Miyahara, M. Ogawa, A. Harasawa, A. Kimura, I. Matsuda, A. Kakizaki, , ,
Physical Review B 82, 161410-1-4 (Oct. 2010).
- 005
- "Non-Abelian topological orders and Majorana fermions in spin-singlet superconductors"
, Y. Takahashi, S. Fujimoto,
Physical Review B 82, 134521-1-28 (Oct. 2010).
- 004
- "Skyrmion lattice and intrinsic angular momentum effect in the A phase of superfluid 3He under rotation"
M. Ichioka, , K. Machida,
Physical Review B 82, 094516-1-6 (Sep. 2010).
- 003
- "Splitting and oscillation of Majorana zero modes in the p-wave BCS-BEC evolution with plural vortices"
, K. Machida,
Physical Review A 82, 023624-1-13 (Aug. 2010).
- 002
- "Anomalous Andreev Bound State in Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors"
, Y. Mizuno, T. Yokoyama, K. Yada, ,
Physical Review Letters 105, 097002-1-4 (Aug. 2010).
- 001
- "Tunneling between Two Helical Superconductors via Majorana Edge Channels"
, , ,
Physical Review Letters 105, 056402-1-4 (Jul. 2010).