Home > Publications/Presentations > Publications FY2011 (Heisei 23)

■ Acknowledgements
ただし以下で課題番号は、A01: 22103002, B01: 22103003, C01: 22103004, D01: 22103005, 公募研究: 231035XX, etc.です。
(1)This work was supported by the "Topological Quantum Phenomena" (No. 22103002) Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.
(2)This work was supported by the "Topological Quantum Phenomena" (No. 22103002) KAKENHI on Innovative Areas from MEXT of Japan.
(3)This work was supported by the MEXT KAKENHI (No. 22103002).
■ FY2011 (Heisei 23)
Core Research Group A01
- 013
- "In0.75Ga0.25As Quantum Point Contacts Utilizing Wrap-Gate Geometry"
H. Irie, Y. Harada, H. Sugiyama, ,
Applied Physics Express 5, 024001-1-3 (Jan. 2012).
- 012
- "Evaluation of Spin-Triplet Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4"
, S. Kittaka, T. Nomura, , ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81, 011009-1-29 (Jan. 2012).
- 011
- "Near-Field Optical Mapping of Quantum Hall Edge States"
H. Ito, K. Furuya, Y. Shibata, , M. Yamaguchi, , H. Tamura, Y. Ootuka, S. Nomura,
Physical Review Letters 107, 256803-1-5 (Dec. 2011).
- 010
- "Edge States of Sr2RuO4 Detected by In-Plane Tunneling Spectroscopy"
, H. Kashiwaya, H. Kambara, T. Furuta, H. Yaguchi, , ,
Physical Review Letters 107, 077003-1-4 (Aug. 2011).
- 009
- "Josephson effect in noncentrosymmetric superconductor junctions"
, S. Yamano,
Physical Review B 84, 064526-1-6 (Aug. 2011).
- 008
- "Topological competition of superconductivity in Pb/Ru/Sr2RuO4 junctions"
T. Nakamura, R. Nakagawa, T. Yamagishi, , , M. Sigrist, ,
Physical Review B 84, 060512(R)-1-4 (Aug. 2011).
- 007
- "Magnetic phase diagram of Li2(Pd1-xPtx3B by ac susceptometry"
D. C. Peet, G. Eguchi, M. Kriener, S. Harada, Sk. Md. Shamsuzzamen, , , ,
Physical Review B 84, 054521-1-5 (Aug. 2011).
- 006
- "Unconventional surface impedance of a normal-metal film covering a spin-triplet superconductor due to odd-frequency Cooper pairs"
, A. A. Golubov, Y. V. Fominov, ,
Physical Review Letters 107, 087001-1-4 (Aug. 2011).
- 005
- "Introducing Nonuniform Strain to Graphene Using Dielectric Nanopillars"
H. Tomori, , H. Goto, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, S. Moriyama, E. Watanabe, D. Tsuya,
Applied Physics Express 4, 075102-1-3 (Jul. 2011).
- 004
- "Electron backscattering diffraction and X-ray diffraction studies of interface relationships in Sr3Ru2O7/Sr2RuO4 eutectic crystals"
R. Ciancio, H. Pettersson, R. Fittipaldi, A. Kalabukhov, P. Orgiani, A. Vecchione, , S. Pace, E. Olsson,
Micron 42, 324-329 (Jun. 2011).
- 003
- "Spin Josephson effect with a single superconductor"
P. M. R. Bydon, , C. Timm,
Physical Review B 83, 180504-1-4 (May 2011).
- 002
- "Local transport characteristics of break junction in Sr2RuO4microbridge"
H. Kambara, , H. Kashiwaya, , ,
Physica C 471, 708-710 (May. 2011).
- 001
- "Evaluation of spin polarization in p-In0.96Mn0.04As using Andreev refrection spectroscopy including inverse proximity effect"
, T. Yokoyama, , H. Munekata, H.Takayanagi,
Physical Review B 83, 155212-1-9 (Apr. 2011).
Core Research Group B01
- 009
- "Pomeranchuk Instability of Spin-Antisymmetric Channel inSr3Ru2O7"
Y. Yoshioka, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81, 023707-1-4 (Feb. 2012).
- 008
- "Odd-frequency Cooper pairs and zero-energy surface bound states in superfluid 3He"
, S. Matsuo, Y. Nagato, K. Nagai, S. Murakawa, , Y. Okuda,
Physical Review B 85, 024524-1-5 (Jan. 2012).
- 007
- "Strong Suppression of the Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in a4He Film under High Pressure"
S. Murakawa, M. Wasai, K. Akiyama, Y. Wada, Y. Tamura, , Y. Okuda,
Physical Review Letters 108, 025302-1-4 (Jan. 2012).
- 006
- "Observation of Self-Organized Criticality in the Crystallization Process of Superfluid 4He Accompanied by Controlled Disorder"
JPSJ Online-News and Comments , (Dec. 2011).
- 005
- "Subgap in the Edge States of Two-Dimensional Chiral Superconductorwith Rough Surface"
Y. Nagato, , K. Nagai,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80, 113706-1-4 (Oct. 2011).
- 004
- "Interaction of half-quantized vortices in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates"
M. Eto, K.Kasamatsu, , , M.Tsubota,
Physical Review A 83, 063603-1-8 (Jun. 2011).
- 003
- "Countersuperflow instability in miscible two-component Bose-Einstein condensates"
S. Ishino, M. Tsubota, ,
Physical Review A 83, 063602-1-8 (Jun. 2011).
- 002
- "On the Puzzle of Odd-Frequency Superconductivity"
H. Kusunose, Y. Fuseya, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80, 054702-1-7 (May. 2011).
- 001
- "Possible Odd-Frequency Superconductivity in Strong-Coupling Electron-Phonon Systems"
H. Kusunose, Y. Fuseya, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80, 044711-1-6 (Apr. 2011).
Core Research Group C01
- 018
- "Topological Surface States in Lead-Based Ternary Telluride Pb(Bi1-xSbx)2Te4"
S. Souma, K. Eto, M. Nomura, K. Nakayama, , T. Takahashi, , ,
Physical Review Letters 108, 116801-1-5 (Mar. 2012).
- 017
- "Evolution of electronic structure upon Cu doping in the topological insulator Bi2Se3"
Y. Tanaka, K. Nakayma, S. Souma, , N. Xu, P. Zhang, P. Richard, H. Ding, Y. Suzuki, P. Das, K. Kadowaki, T. Takahashi,
Physical Review B 85, 125111-1-5 (Mar. 2012).
- 016
- "Tunable Dirac cone in the topological insulatorBi2-xSbxTe3-ySey"
T. Arakane, , S. Souma, K. Kosaka, K. Nakayama, M. Komatsu, T. Takahashi, Zhi Ren, ,
Nature Communications 3, 636-1-5 (Jan. 2012).
- 015
- "High Crystallinity CuScO2 Delafossite Films Exhibiting Ultraviolet PhotoluminescenceGrown by Vapor-Liquid-Solid Tri-phase Epitaxy"
Y. Matsubara, T. Makino, H. Hiraga, C. Chen, S. Tsukimoto, , Y. Kozuka, Y. Ikuhara, M. Kawasaki,
Applied Physics Express 5, 011201-1-3 (Jan. 2012).
- 014
- "Topological Superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3"
S. Sasaki, M. Kriener, , K. Yada, , , ,
Physical Review Letters 107, 217001-1-5 (Nov. 2011).
- 013
- "Optimizing Bi2-xSbxTe3-ySey solid solutions to approach the intrinsic topological insulator regime"
Z. Ren, A.A. Taskin, S. Sasaki, , ,
Physical Review B 84, 165311-1-6 (Oct. 2011).
- 012
- "Pressure-induced metal-insulator transition in the spin-orbit Mott insulator Ba2IrO4"
H. Okabe, N. Takeshita, M. Isobe, E. Takayama-Muromachi, , J. Akimitsu,
Phys. Rev. B 84, 115127/1-6 (Sep. 2011).
- 011
- "Unexpected Mass Acquisition of Dirac Fermions at the Quantum Phase Transition of a Topological Insulator"
, , K. Kosaka, S. Souma, K. Nakayama, K. Eto, T. Minami, , T. Takahashi,
Nature Physics 7, 840-844 (Aug. 2011).
- 010
- "Observations of two-dimensional quantum oscillations and ambipolar transport in the topological insulator Bi2Se3achieved by Cd doping"
Z. Ren, A.A. Taskin, S. Sasaki, , ,
Physical Review B 84, 075316-1-6 (Aug. 2011).
- 009
- "Electrochemical synthesis and superconducting phase diagram of CuxBi2Se3"
M. Kriener, , Z. Ren, S. Sasaki, S. Wada, S. Kuwabata, ,
Physical Review B 84, 054513-1-5 (Aug. 2011).
- 008
- "Superconductivity in heavily B-doped diamond layers deposited on highly oriented diamond films"
, Koji Kobashi, Hirotaka Okabe, Takeshi Tachibana, Yoshihiro Yokota, Kazushi Hayashi, Nobuyuki Kawakami, Jun Akimitsu,
Diamond & Related Materials. 20, 1282-1286 (Jul. 2011).
- 007
- "Insulating phase of a two-dimensional electron gas in MgxZn1-xO/ZnO heterostructures below v = (1/3)"
Y. Kozuka, A. Tsukazaki, D. Maryenko, J. Falson, S. Akasaka, K. Nakahara, S. Nakamura, S. Awaji, , M. Kawasaki,
Physical Review B 84, 033304-1-4 (Jul. 2011).
- 006
- "Discovery of superconductivity in KTaO3 byelectrostatic carrier doping"
, S. Nakamura, H. Shimotani, H. T. Yuan, N. Kimura, , H. Aoki, , M. Kawasaki,
Nature Nanotechnology 6, 408-412 (Jul. 2011).
- 005
- "Anomalous Meissner Effect in a Normal-Metal-Superconductor Junction with a Spin-Active Interface"
, , ,
Physical Review Letters 106, 246601-1-4 (Jun. 2011).
- 004
- "Observation of Dirac Holes and Electrons in a Topological Insulator"
A.A. Taskin, Z. Ren, S. Sasaki, , ,
Physical Review Letters 107, 016801-1-4 (Jun. 2011).
- 003
- "Evolution of surface states in Bi1-xSbx alloys across the topological phase transition"
H. Guo, K. Sugawara, A. Takayama, S. Souma, , N. Satoh, A. Ohnishi, M. Kitaura, M. Sasaki, Q.-K. Xue, T. Takahashi,
Physical Review B 83, 201104-1-4 (May. 2011).
- 002
- "Direct Measurement of the Out-of-Plane Spin Texture in the Dirac-Cone Surface State of a Topological Insulator"
S. Souma, K. Kosaka, , M. Komatsu, A. Takayama, T. Takahashi, M. Kriener, , ,
Physical Review Letters 106, 216803-1-4 (May. 2011).
- 001
- "Electrically-induced ferromagnetism at room temperature in cobalt-doped titanium dioxide"
Y. Yamada, , T. Fukumura, H. T. Yuan, H. Shimotani, , L. Gu, S. Tsukimoto, Y. Ikuhara, M. Kawasaki,
Science 332, 1065-1067 (May. 2011).
Core Research Group D01-D04
- 047
- "Bose Gases with Nonzero Spin"
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 3, 263-283 (Mar. 2012).
- 046
- "Photoinduced spin Chern number change in a two-dimensional quantum spin Hall insulator with broken spin rotational symmetry"
J. Inoue, ,
Physical Review B 85, 125425-1-7 (Mar. 2012).
- 045
- "Topological charge pumping effect by the magnetization dynamics on the surfaceof three-dimensional topological insulators"
H. T. Ueda, A. Takeuchi, G. Tatara, ,
Physical Review B 85, 115110-1-6 (Mar. 2012).
- 044
- "Evolution of Edge States and Critical Phenomena in theRashba Superconductor with Magnetization"
, , ,
Physical Review Letters 108, 087003-1-5 (Feb. 2012).
- 043
- "Dirac returns: Non-Abelian statistics of vortices with Dirac fermions"
S. Yasui, K. Itakura, ,
Nuclear Physics B 859, 261-268 (Feb. 2012).
- 042
- "Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of feedback control"
T.Sagawa, ,
Physical Review E 85, 021104-1-16 (Feb. 2012).
- 041
- "Semi-classical interpretation of spin interference effect observed in square loop arrays of In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As quantum wells"
S. Mineshige, , S. Faniel, J. Waugh, Y. Sekine, T. Koga,
Phys. Rev. B 84, 233305-1-5 (Dec. 2011).
- 040
- "Symmetry and Topology in Superconductors-Odd-Frequency Pairing and Edge States-"
, , ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81, 011013-1-34 (Dec. 2011).
- 039
- "Dynamics of non-Abelian vortices"
M. Eto, T. Fujimori, , K. Ohashi, N. Sakai,
Physical Review D 84, 125030-1-23 (Dec. 2011).
- 038
- "Vortices and monopoles in mass-deformed SO and USp gauge theories"
M. Eto, T. Fujimori, S. B. Gudnason, Y. Jiang, K. Konishi, , K. Ohashi,
Journal of High Energy Physics 017, 1-48 (Dec. 2011).
- 037
- "Spin Berry phase in the Fermi-arc states"
, Y. Takane,
Physical Review B 84, 245415-1-9 (Dec. 2011).
- 036
- "Majorana Fermions and Z2 Vortices on a Square Lattice"
K. Ejima, ,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80, 123708-1-4 (Nov. 2011).
- 035
- "Josephson effect through an anisotropic magnetic molecule"
I. A. Sadovskyy, D. Chevallier, T. Jonckheere, M. Lee, , T. Martin,
Phys. Rev. B 84, 184513-1-7 (Nov. 2011).
- 034
- "強磁性絶縁体を利用した超伝導スピントロニクス"
パリティ 26, 48-52 (Nov. 2011).
- 033
- "Symmetry classification of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates"
, ,
Physical Review A 84, 053616-1-19 (Nov. 2011).
- 032
- "Edge states and topological phases in non-Hermitian systems"
K. Esaki, , K. Hasebe, M. Kohmoto,
Physical Review B 84, 205128-1-19 (Nov. 2011).
- 031
- "Topological Superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3"
S. Sasaki, M. Kriener, , K. Yada, , , ,
Physical Review Letters 107, 217001-1-5 (Nov. 2011).
- 030
- "Spin Berry phase in anisotropic topological insulators"
, Y. Takane, A. Tanaka,
Physical Review B 84, 195406-1-8 (Nov. 2011).
- 029
- "Abe homotopy classification of topological excitationsunder the topological influence of vortices"
S. Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, , , ,
Nuclear Physics B 856, 577-606 (Nov. 2011).
- 028
- "Effects of thermal and quantum fluctuations on the phase diagram of a spin-1 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate"
N. T. Phuc, , ,
Physical Review A 84, 043645-1-17 (Oct. 2011).
- 027
- "Uncertainty relation revisited from quantum estimation theory"
Y. Watanabe, T. Sagawa, ,
Physical Review A 84, 042121-1-7 (Otc. 2011).
- 026
- "Index theorem and Majorana zero modes along a non-Abelian vortex in a color superconductor"
T. Fujiwara, , M. Nitta, S. Yasui,
Physical Review D 84, 076002-1-18 (Oct. 2011).
- 025
- "Dissipative hydrodynamic equation of a ferromagnetic Bose-Einstein condensate: Analogy to magnetization dynamics in conducting ferromagnets"
K. Kudo, ,
Physical Review A 84, 043607-1-14 (Oct. 2011).
- 024
- "Electromagnetic spin polarization on the surface of topological insulator"
T. Misawa, , S. Murakami,
Physical Review B 84, 165407-1-8 (Oct. 2011).
- 023
- "Charge pumping due to triplet vector chirality in ferromagnet/triplet superconductor junctions"
Physical Review B 84, 132504-1-4 (Oct. 2011).
- 022
- "Duality among competing orders in antiferromagnets and topological insulators: nonlinear sigma model approach"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 320, 012020-1-5 (Sep. 2011).
- 021
- "Current-induced magnetization reversal on the surface of a topological insulator"
Physical Review B 84, 113407-1-4 (Sep. 2011).
- 020
- "Vortices on orbifolds"
T. Kimura, ,
Journal of High Energy Physics 118, 1-21 (Sep. 2011).
- 019
- "Majorana bound state of a Bogoliubov-de Gennes-Dirac Hamiltonian in arbitrary dimensions"
, T. Fukui, T. Fujiwara,
Nuclear Physics B 854, 306-320 (Sep. 2011).
- 018
- "Eigenstate randomization hypothesis: Why does the long-time average equal the microcanonical average?"
T. N. Ikeda, Y. Watanabe, ,
Physical Review E 84, 021130-1-4 (Aug. 2011).
- 017
- "Current-voltage characteristics of tunnel Josephson junctions with a ferromagnetic interlayer"
A. S. Vasenko, , A. A. Golubov, M. Yu. Kupriyanov, C. Lacroix, F. S. Bergeret, F. W. J. Hekking,
Phys. Rev. B 84, 024524-1-11 (July. 2011).
- 016
- "Textures of F = 2 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates with spin-orbit coupling"
T. Kawakami, , K. Machida,
Physical Review A 84, 011607-1-4 (Jul. 2011).
- 015
- "Spin imbalance effect on the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrel state"
R. Yoshii, S. Tsuchiya, G. Marmorini, ,
Physical Review B 84, 024503-1-6 (Jul. 2011).
- 014
- "Weak topological insulator with protected gapless helical states"
, Y. Takane, A.Tanaka,
Physical Review B 84, 035443-1-8 (Jul. 2011).
- 013
- "Theory of edge states in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator/spin-singlet s,-wave superconductor hybrid system"
A. Ii, K. Yada, , ,
Physical Review B 83, 224524-1-7 (Jun. 2011).
- 012
- "Anomalous Meissner Effect in a Normal-Metal-Superconductor Junctionwith a Spin-Active Interface"
, , ,
Physical Review Letters 106, 246601-1-4 (Jun. 2011).
- 011
- "Spin Current in Generic Hybrid Structures due to Interfacial Spin-Orbit Scattering"
J. Linder, ,
Physical Review Letters 106, 237201-1-4 (Jun. 2011).
- 010
- "Topology of Andreev bound states with flat dispersion"
, , K. Yada, ,
Physical Review B 83, 224511-1-22 (Jun. 2011).
- 009
- "Transport properties in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions between tripletsuperconductors"
Y. Rahnavard, G. Rashedi, ,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 275702-1-9 (Jun. 2011).
- 008
- "量子乱流中で再結合する渦糸の動画撮影(翻訳記事)"
パリティ 26, 40-43 (May. 2011).
- 007
- "Tunneling Hamiltonian description of the atomic-scale 0-π transition in superconductor/ferromagnetic-insulator junctions"
, , A. A. Golubov, A. S. Vasenko, , ,
Physica C 471, 1199-1201 (May. 2011).
- 006
- "Macroscopic quantum tunneling induced by a spontaneous field in intrinsic Josephson junctions"
Y. Chizaki, H. Kashiwaya, , T. Koyama, S. Kawabata,
Physica C 471, 758-759 (May. 2011).
- 005
- "超対称性と複素多様体(解説記事)"
数理科学 特集「物理学と多様体」 49, 51-56 (Apr. 2011).
- 004
- "Zero Energy Modes and Statistics of Vorticesin Spinful Chiral p-Wave Superfluids"
T. Kawakami, , K. Machida,
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 80, 044603-1-12 (Apr. 2011).
- 003
- "Transverse magnetic heat transport on the surface of a topological insulator"
, S. Murakami,
Physical Review B 83, 161407-1-4 (Apr. 2011).
- 002
- "Evaluation of spin polarization in p-In0.96Mn0.04As using Andreev reflection spectroscopyincluding inverse proximity effect"
, T. Yokoyama, , H. Munekata, H. Takayanagi,
Physical Review B 83, 155212-1-9 (Apr. 2011).
- 001
- "Measurement of an Efimov Trimer Binding Energy in a Three-ComponentMixture of 6Li"
S. Nakajima, M. Horikoshi, T. Mukaiyama, P. Naidon, ,
Physical Review Letters 106, 143201-1-4 (Apr. 2011).