The 79th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan was held at Hokkaido University from September 16th to 19th, 2024. This was the first time the meeting was held in Hokkaido since 2007, so we had a large group of 11 students and 2 staff members from our lab participate!
Even though it was late September, Kyoto was experiencing scorching heat every day, but in Sapporo the temperature was about 10 degrees cooler and there was almost no rain, making for a very comfortable and perfect climate. The food was also very delicious.
During the conference, many researchers will give presentations and discuss various topics in physics. The researchers also had many discussions and received many hints for future research. To give you an idea of the atmosphere of the conference, we will look back on it with some photos.

There were many events for both students and staff to enjoy, such as a stamp rally.

Everyone did a great job with their presentations!

The food in Hokkaido is delicious! At evening, it’s time to socialize while eating delicious food.
That’s it! Hokkaido was the best!! Next year will be Hiroshima University’s 80th annual conference. I want to go eat okonomiyaki there.