Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Hyogo College of Medicine- Topics of Research:
- Investigation of the edge states and topological excitations in the quantum Hall system
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■ Description of Research

My main interest has been focused on a low-dimensional condensed matter physics at low temperature. When I was a graduate student, I quested the two-dimensional superfluidity of the spin-polarized atomic hydrogen. At RIKEN, I studied the two-dimensional electron system on the helium surface.
Recently I have been interested in the quantum Hall effects that emerge in the two dimensional electron systems (2DESs) at very low temperature and high magnetic field. In particular, I investigate the quantum phenomena in the bilayer quantum Hall effects where the two 2DESs are closely separated. I also carry out the experiments of the dynamic nuclear spin polarization in the fractional quantum Hall effects and 2DESs in graphene.
In this project, I will try to reveal the scattering mechanisms of electrons and dynamic properties in the quantum Hall edge, and creation and annihilation mechanisms of various topological objects such as skyrmions, magnetic rotons, and meron pairs (half quantized vortex pairs of pseudospins in the bilayer system) emerging in the quantum Hall system, by means of the transport measurements and magnetic resonance experiments. I hope to contribute to this project by the possible complementary approach of the topological insulators to clarify many similar and different aspects of quantum physics.
- 1994
- B. Sc. in Physics, Kyoto University
- 2002
- Ph. D. in Physics, Kyoto University (Advisor: Takao Mizusaki)
- 1996-1999
- JSPS fellow (DC1)
- 2002-2004
- Special Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN (Kono Laboratory)
- 2004-200
- Lecturer (Research Associate), LTM Center, Kyoto University (Sawada Laboratory)
- 2008-Present
- Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Hyogo College of Medicine
"Onset temperature for the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the vt = 1 bilayer quantum Hall state",
D. Terasawa, A. Fukuda, T. Morikawa, Y. D. Zheng, A. Sawada, and Z. F. Ezawa
Phys. Rev. B 86, 165320 (2012).
"Excitation properties of v = 2/3 bilayer quantum Hall phases investigated by magnetotransport methods",
Yangdong Zheng, Anju Sawada, Zyun F. Ezawa, Tomoki Morikawa, Akira Fukuda, Daiju Terasawa, Shibun Tsuda, and Minh-Hai Nguyen,
Phys. Rev. B 83, 235330 (2011).
"Anisotropy of Magnetoresistance Hysteresis around the v = 2/3 Quantum Hall State in Tilted Magnetic Field",
Kazuki Iwata, Masayuki Morino, Akira Fukuda, Norio Kumada, Zyun F. Ezawa, Yoshiro Hirayama, and Anju Sawada,
J. Phys. Soc. Japan 79, 123701 (2010).
"Activation study of collective excitations of the soliton-lattice phase in the v = 1 double-layer quantum Hall state",
D. Terasawa, S. Kozumi, A. Fukuda, M. Morino, K. Iwata, Z. F. Ezawa, A. Sawada, N. Kumada, and Y. Hirayama,
Phys. Rev. B 81, 073303 (2010).
"Pseudospin Soliton in the v = 1 Bilayer Quantum Hall State",
A. Fukuda, D. Terasawa, M. Morino, K. Iwata, S. Kozumi, N. Kumada, Y. Hirayama, Z. F. Ezawa and A. Sawada,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 016801 (2008).
"Magnetotransport study of the canted antiferromagnetic phase in bilayer v = 2 quantum Hall state",
A. Fukuda, A. Sawada, S. Kozumi, D. Terasawa, Y. Shimoda, Z. F. Ezawa, N. Kumada and Y. Hirayama,
Phys. Rev. B 73, 165304 (2006).