Kenichi TENYA
Professor, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University■ Laboratory Website
■ Description of Research

I have investigated the novel magnetism and unconventional superconductivity in strongly-correlated electron systems such as heavy Fermion compounds and ruthenate in terms of the specific heat and magnetization measurements.
In this project, we study the superconducting double transition of the spin-triplet superconductivity by means of the specific heat and magnetostriction measurements under uniaxial stress.
- 1990
- Bachelor of Science (Physics), Keio University
- 1995
- Ph.D. (Science), Keio University
- 1993
- JSPS Fellow (DC2)
- 1994
- Research Instructor, Department of Physics, Hokkaido University.
- (2001-2002
- Visiting Scientist, Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solid)
- 2007
- Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University.
- 2011
- Professor, Faculty of Education, Shinshu University.
Change of antiferromagnetic structure near a quantum critical point in CeRh1-xCoxIn5"
M. Yokoyama, N. Oyama, H. Amitsuka, S. Oinuma, I. Kawasaki, K. Tenya, M. Matsuura,
K. Hirota and T. J. Sato
Phys. Rev. B 77, 224501-(1--5) (2008).
Unusual Magnetic response in the Superconducting Mixed State of Sr2RuO4"
K. Tenya, S. Yasuda, M. Yokoyama, H. Amitsuka, K.Deguchi and Y. Maeno
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, 023702-(1--4) (2006).
Competition between hidden order and antiferromagnetism in URu2Si2 under uniaxial stress studied by neutron scattering"
M. Yokoyama, H. Amitsuka, K. Tenya, K. Watanabe, S. Kawarazaki, H. Yoshizawa and
J.A. Mydosh
Phys. Rev. B 72, 214419-(1-9) (2005).
Low Temperature Magnetization of the Skutterudite Superconductor PrOs4Sb12"
K. Tenya, N. Oeschler, P. Gegenwart, F. Steglich, N. A. Frederick, E. D. Bauer and
M. B. Maple
Acta Physica Polonica B34, 995-998 (2003).
Magnetic Field Response in (U,Th)Be13"
F. Kromer, N. Oeschler, T. Tayama, K. Tenya, T. Cichorek, M. Lang, F. Steglich,
J.S. Kim and G.R. Stewart
J. Low Temp. Phys. 126, 815-833 (2002).
Magnetization Study on the History-Dependent Peak Effect in the Superconducting Mixed State of CeRu2"
K. Tenya, S. Yasunami, T. Tayama, H. Amitsuka, T. Sakakibara, M. Hedo, Y. Inada,
E. Yamamoto, Y. Haga and Y. _Onuki
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68, 224-231 (1999).
Anisotropic Magnetic Response in the Superconducting Mixed State of UPt3"
K. Tenya, M. Ikeda, T. Tayama, T. Sakakibara, E. Yamamoto, K. Maezawa, N. Kimura,
R. Settai and Y. _Onuki
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3193-3196 (1996).