Senior Research Scientist, Magnetic Materials Laboratory, RIKEN- Topics of Research:
- (C01) Novel Phenomena in Electron Fluids with Broken Inversion Symmetry
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■ Description of Research
I have investigated emerging phenomena in superconductors using various experimental techniques. In recent 10 years, I am concentrating on scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS), which is a very powerful tool to image the electronic state with a spatial resolution high enough to resolve individual atoms. In this project, I will utilize STM/STS to study topological insulators. Topological insulator is a new state of matter which has energy gap in the bulk but possesses robust gapless surface states.

The surface state is characterized by Dirac fermions which would give rise to unique quantum phenomena in a magnetic field. Unfortunately, real topological insulators so far known all contain bulk carriers which are generated by unavoidable defects in the crystals; surface sensitive technique which is doable under magnetic field is thus highly demanded. STM/STS can be such a technique. Using our high-performance STM, I will search for novel quantum phenomena and will study effects of impurities on surface Dirac fermions.
- 1988
- BE in Applied Physics, Tohoku University
- 1993
- Ph.D. in Applied Physics, Tohoku University
- 1993
- Research Associate, Department of Basic Science, University of Tokyo
- 1999
- Associate Professor, Department of Advanced Materials Science, University of Tokyo
- 2004
- Senior Research Scientist, Magnetic Materials Laboratory, RIKEN
"Momentum-resolved Landau-level spectroscopy of Dirac surface state in Bi2Se3",
T. Hanaguri, K. Igarashi,M. Kawamura, H. Takagi and T. Sasagawa
Phys. Rev. B, 82, 081305(R) (2010).
" Unconventional s-Wave Superconductivity in Fe(Se,Te)",
T. Hanaguri, S. Niitaka, K. Kuroki and H. Takagi
Science, 328, 474-476 (2010).
"Coherence Factors in a High-Tc Cuprate Probed by Quasi-particle Scattering off Vortices",
T. Hanaguri, Y. Kohsaka, M. Ono, M. Maltseva, P. Coleman, I. Yamada, M. Azuma, M. Takano, K. Ohishi and H. Takagi
Science, 323, 923-926 (2009).
Quasiparticle interference and superconducting gap in Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2",
T. Hanaguri, Y. Kohsaka, J. C. Davis, C. Lupien, I. Yamada, M. Azuma, M. Takano, K. Ohishi, M. Ono
and H. Takagi
Nature Phys., 3, 865-871 (2007).
"A 'checkerboard' electronic crystal state in lightly hole-doped Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2",
T. Hanaguri, C. Lupien, Y. Kohsaka, D. -H. Lee, M. Azuma, M. Takano, H. Takagi and J. C. Davis,
Nature, 430, 1001-1005 (2004).