Tatsushi AKAZAKI
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Science, Kochi National College of Technology- Field of Specialty:
- Mesoscopic superconductivity and spintronics
- Topics of Research:
- (A01) Novel Edge Phenomena in Superconductors with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry
Tatsushi Akazaki has experimentally investigated novel quantum phenomena in superconductor/semiconductor junctions, such as the Josephson effect, the superconducting proximity effect, and Andreev reflection. Unlike Josephson junctions consisting of two superconductors coupled with a thin insulator, the quantum phenomena in superconductor/semiconductor junctions can be controlled by varying the transport properties in semiconductors by applying an electric field or by exposing them to light. More recently, he has been engaged in superconducting spintronics research using superconductor/ferromagnetic metal (semiconductor) junctions and superconductor/semiconductor junctions exposed to circularly polarized lights with particular interest in the influence of the coexistence of and competition between superconductivity and spin polarization.

In this research project, he plans to investigate the odd-frequency pairing state and the inverse proximity effect in superconductor/ferromagnet junctions in collaboration with theoreticians.
- 1986
- M.S. in Physics, Kyushu University
- 1995
- Ph.D. in Engineering, Osaka University
- 1986-2005
- Scientist, NTT Basic Research Laboratories
- 2005-Present
- Senior Research Scientist and Group Leader, Physical Science Laboratory, NTT Basic Research Laboratories
"Observation of enhanced thermal noise due to multiple Andreev reflection in ballistic
InGaAs-based superconducting weak links",
T. Akazaki, H. Nakano, J. Nitta, and H. Takayanagi,
Applied Physics Letters 86, 132505(1)-(3) (2005).
"Rashba spin-orbit coupling probed by the weak antilocalization analysis in InAlAs/InGaAs/InAlAs quantum wells as a function of quantum well asymmetry",
T. Koga, J. Nitta, T. Akazaki, and H. Takayanagi,
Physical Review Letters 89, 046801(1)-(4) (2002).
"Gate control of spin-orbit interaction in an inverted In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As heterostructure",
J. Nitta, T. Akazaki, H. Takayanagi, and T. Enoki,
Physical Review Letters 78, 1335-1338 (1997).
"Observation of enhanced thermal noise due to multiple Andreev reflection in ballistic
InGaAs-based superconducting weak links",
T. Akazaki, H. Takayanagi, J. Nitta, and T. Enoki,
Applied Physics Letter 68, 418-420 (1996).
"Observation of Maximum supercurrent quantization in a superconducting quantum point contact",
H. Takayanagi, T. Akazaki, and J. Nitta,
Physical Review Letters 75, 3533-3536 (1995).