Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries

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■ 研究成果報告書(2012年5月8日更新)


■ Conference (更新日:2012年6月15日)

•Core Research Group A01

Date Title Conference Remarks
2012/Mar/25 "超伝導体/強磁性体接合における奇周波数ク-パ-対"
赤崎 達志

(関西学院大学, 2012/Mar/24-27)
2012/Jan/17 "超伝導体/半導体接合の物理とその応用-超伝導エレクトロニクスから超伝導フォトニクスへ-"
赤崎 達志

(埼玉大学 東京ステ-ションカレッジ, 2012/Jan/17)
2012/Jan/16 "Sr2RuO4 as a Topological Superconductor"
Y. Maeno
RIKEN-APW-APCTP Joint Workshop
(Wako, Japan, 2012/Jan/16)
2011/Dec/9 "Introducing designed local strain to graphene using dielectric nanostructures: sample fabrication, characterization and transport measurement"
H. Tomori, Y. Nukui, Y.Toyota, H. Karube, S. Nihei, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, M. Hayashi, H. Yoshioka, A. Kanda
International Symposium on Advanced Nanostructures and Nano-Devices (ISANN 2011)
(Kaanapali (USA), 2011/Dec/4-9)
2011/Dec/7 "Observability of relativistic Josephson effects in graphene"
A. Kanda, H. Tomori, H. Goto, Y. Nukui, Y.Toyota, S. Nihei, H. Karube, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, M. Hayashi, H. Yoshioka
International Symposium on Advanced Nanostructures and Nano-Devices (ISANN 2011)
(Kaanapali (USA), 2011/Dec/4-9)
2011/Dec/6 "Mobilities at the Top and Bottom Surfaces of Multilayer Graphene Placed on a SiO2 Substrate"
Y. Nukui, H. Tomori, H. Karube, S. Nihei, Y. Toyota, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, A. Kanda
International Symposium on Advanced Nanostructures and Nano-Devices (ISANN 2011)
(Kaanapali (USA), 2011/Dec/4-9)
2011/Dec/3 「グラフェンの電気伝導の実験とデバイス応用の可能性」

2011年度 数学・物理学・情報科学の研究交流シンポジウム
(奈良, 2011/Dec/3)
2011/Nov/30 "100 Years from the Discovery of Superconductivity"
Y. Maeno
Nishina Memorial Lecture
(Tohiku Univ.,Sendai, 2011/Nov/30)
2011/Nov/12 「グラフェンの歪み効果」
友利ひかり、 神田晶申、後藤秀徳、豊田行紀、貫井洋佑、大塚洋一、塚越一仁、林正彦、吉岡英生

(秋田, 2011/Nov/12)
2011/Nov/12 「グラフェンの超伝導近接効果」

(秋田, 2011/Nov/12)
2011/Nov/7 "Topological Aspects of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4"
Y. Maeno
Physics Departmental Seminar at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Champaign
(Champaign, USA, 2011/Nov/7)
2011/Oct/7 "Odd-frequency Cooper Pairs and Their Effects on Surface Impedance"
Y. Asano
Superconductivity and Magnetism, SM-2011
(Kishinev, Moldva, 2011/Oct/7-10)
2011/Oct/5 "Fabrication and transport measurement of ballistic graphene Josephson junctions"
H. Tomori, A. Kanda, H. Goto, Y. Nukui, Y. Toyota, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, M. Hayashi, H. Yoshioka
Recent Progress in Graphene Research (RPGR2011)
(Suwon (Korea), 2011/Oct/3-6)
2011/Oct/5 "Introducing designed nonuniform strain to graphene using dielectric nanopillars: sample fabrication, characterization and transport measurement"
H. Tomori, A. Kanda, Y. Nukui, Y. Toyota, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, S. Moriyama, E. Watanabe, D. Tsuya, M. Hayashi, H. Yoshioka
Recent Progress in Graphene Research (RPGR2011)
(Suwon (Korea), 2011/Oct/3-6)
2011/Oct/3 "Evaluation of Mobilities at the Top and Bottom Surfaces of Multilayer Graphene Placed on a SiO2 Substrate"
Y. Nukui, H. Tomori, H. Goto, Y. Toyota, Y. Ootuka2, K. Tsukagoshi, A. Kanda
International Workshop on Quantum Nanostructures and Nanoelectronics (QNN2011)
(Nagoya, 2011/Oct/3-4)
2011/Sep/27 "Mobility Difference in Top and Bottom Surfaces of Multilayer Graphene Placed on Silicon Dioxide"
Y. Nukui, H. Tomori, H. Goto, Y.i Toyota, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, A. Kanda
2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2011)
(Nagoya, 2011/Sep/25-27)
2011/Sep/27 "Introducing Nonuniform Strain to Graphene: Toward Strain Engineering"
H.Tomori, H.Goto, Y.Nukui, Y.Toyota, Y.Ootuka, K.Tsukagoshi, S.Moriyama, E.Watanabe, D.Tsuya, A.Kanda
2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2011)
(Nagoya, 2011/Sep/25-27)
2011/Sep/27 "Electron tunneling in bilayer graphene p-n junction controlled by gate electric field"
H.Miyazaki, M.V.Lee, S.-L.Li, A.Kanda, K.Tsukagoshi
2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2011)
(Nagoya, 2011/Sep/25-27)
2011/Sep/22 「グラフェンにおけるジョセフソン電流」

(富山, 2011/Sep/22)
2011/Sep/20 "Electric field induced p-n tunnel junction in bilayer graphene"
H.Miyazaki, M.Lee, S.-L.Li, A.Kanda, K.Tsukagoshi
The 37th leading conference in Europe for Micro- and Nano Engineering (MNE2011)
(Berlin, Germany, 2011/Sep/19-23)
2011/Sep/20 "Nonequilibrium carrier injection effect in Nb/ferromagnetic p-In0.96Mn0.04As/Nb junctions"
T. Akazaki, T. Yokoyama, Y. Tanaka, H. Munekata, H. Takayanagi
Superconductivity Centennial Conference
(The Hague, The Netherlands, 2011/Sep/20)
2011/Aug/30 "Topological Aspects of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4"
Y. Maeno
The 2011 Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 2011)
(Cambridge, UK, 2011/Aug/30-Sep/3)
2011/Aug/30 「グラフェンの磁性とスピントロニクス応用」

(山形大学, 2011/Aug/30)
2011/Aug/8 "Topological Superconducting Junctions with Sr2RuO4"
Y. Maeno
International Conference on Novel Superconductivity (ICNS)
(Tainan, Taiwan, 2011/Aug/4-9)
2011/Aug/4 "Spin polarization of a ferromagnetic narrow gap p-(In,Mn)As obtained from Andreev reflection spectroscopy"
T. Akazaki, H. Munekata, T. Yokoyama, Y. Tanaka, H. Takayanagi
15th International Conference on Narrow Gap Systems (NGS15)
(Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, 2011/Aug/4)
2011/Jul/27 "Fabrication of graphene devices with designed strain"
H. Tomori, A. Kanda, H. Goto, Y. Toyota, Y. Nukui, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, M. Hayashi, H. Yoshioka
The 19th international conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS19)
(Tallahasse, USA, 2011/Jul/25-29)
2011/Jul/27 "Fabrication and transport measurement of ballistic graphene Josephson junctions"
H. Tomori, A. Kanda, H. Goto, Y. Toyota, Y. Nukui, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, M. Hayashi, H. Yoshioka
The 19th international conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS19)
(Tallahasse, USA, 2011/Jul/25-29)
2011/Jul/5 "Anomalous Surface Impedance due to Odd-frequency Cooper Pairs"
Y. Asano
7th International Workshop on Nanomagnetism & Superconductivity,
(Coma-ruga, Spain, 2011/Jul/3-8)
2011/Jun/7 "Anomalous Surface Impedance due to Odd-frequency Cooper Pairs"
Y. Asano
8th International Conference on New Theories, Discoveries and Applications of Superconductors and Related Materials
(Chongqing China, 2011/Jun/8-11)
2011/Apr/27 "Ballistic graphene Josephson junctions"
H. Tomori, H. Goto, Y. Toyota, S. Tanaka, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, M. Hayashi, H. Yoshioka, A. Kanda
Graphene Week 2011
(Obergurgl, Austria, 2011/Apr/24-29)
2011/Apr/26 "Introducing strain in graphene"
A. Kanda, H. Tomori, H. Goto, Y. Toyota, Y. Ootuka, K. Tsukagoshi, M. Hayashi, H. Yoshioka
Graphene Week 2011
(Obergurgl, Austria, 2011/Apr/24-29)
2011/Apr/5 "Spin-Triplet Superconductivity"
Y. Maeno
100th Anniversary of Superconductivity: Hot Topics and Future Directions
(Leiden, the Netherlands, 2011/Apr/4-8)
2011/Jan/5 "Quantized Vortices in Sr2RuO4"
Y. Maeno
Conference on Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics
(Stockholm, Sweden, 2011/Jan1-8)
2010/Nov/8 "Ruthenate Superconductors and Spin-Triplet Superconductivity"
Y. Maeno
JSPS A3 Foresight Program Autumn School for Young Scientists
(Kyoto, 2010/Nov/7-11)
2010/Sep/29 "Topological Competition of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4"
Y. Maeno
2010 Opening Symposium of QS2C Theory Forum
(Riken, Wako, Saitama, 2010/Sep/27-30)
2010/Sep/8 "Interference between the Even-Parity Superconductivity and the Superconductivity of Sr2RuO4"
Y. Maeno
Superconductivity and Magnetism: Hybrid Proximity Nanostructures and Instrinsic Phenomena International Conference (SM2010)
(Paestum. Italy, 2010/Sep/5-11)
2010/Sep/7 "Tunneling between Two Helical superconductors via Majorana Edge Channels"
Y. Asano
Superconductivity and Magnetism: Hybrid proximity nanostructures and intrinsic phenomena
(Paestum, Italy, 2010/Sep/5-11)
2010/Aug/4 "Spin relaxation and the inverse proximity effect in p-InMnAs/n-InAs/Nb junctions"
N. Nishizawa, H. Takayanagi, T. Akazaki, S. Kobayashi, H. Munekata
The 6th International Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin Related Phenomena in Semiconductors
(Tokyo, 2010/Aug/1-4)

•Core Research Group B01

Date Title Conference Remarks
2012/Mar/22 "Andreev-Majorana bound states on the superfluid 3He-B surface"
R. Nomura
Microkelvin workshop 2012
(Smolenice, Slovakia, 2012/Mar/19-23)
2012/Jan/6 "Countersuperflow in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates"
S. Tojo, Y. Masuyama, S. Sekine, M. Sadgrove, T. Hirano
ISSP workshop: Defects and topology in quantum condensed systems
(東京大学物性研究所, 2012/Jan/5-7)
2011/Nov/24 "Superconductivity triggered by spin-orbit interaction in noncentrosymmetric cubic systems"
Y. Fuseya, K. Miyake
International Workshop on Heavy Fermions TOKIMEKI2011
(Osaka, 2011/Nov/23-26)
2011/Nov/4 "Quantum vortex generation in spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensates"
S. Tojo, Y. Masuyama, S. Sekine, M. Sadgrove, T. Hirano
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Laforet Biwako, Shiga, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov/2 "Ultra-low Temperature Mobility of Electron Bubbles Formed below the Free Surface of Superfluid 3He-B"
H. Ikegami
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov/2 "Surface Majorana Cone of the Superfluid 3He B Phase"
R. Nomura
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena
(Shiga, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Sep/2 "Pomeranchuk Instability of Spin-Antisymmetric Channel in Sr3Ru2O7"
Y. Yoshioka, K. Miyake
International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2011
(Cambridge, UK, 2011/Aug/28-Sep/3)
2011/Aug/31 "Spin Singlet-Triplet Hybrid Superconductivity Triggered by Spin-Orbit Interaction in Non-centrosymmetric Systems with Cubic Symmetry"
K. Miyake, Y. Fuseya
International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2011
(Cambridge, UK, 2011/Aug/28-Sep/3)
2011/Aug/22 "Surface Majorana Cone of the Superfluid 3He B Phase"
R. Nomura
ULT2011, the new frontiers of low temperature physics
(Daejeon, Korea, 2011/Aug/19-22)
2011/Aug/16 "Ultra-low Temperature Mobility of Electron Bubbles Formed below the Free Surface of Superfluid 3He-B"
H. Ikegami
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/13 "Drag Force on a High Porosity Aerogel in Liquid 3He"
H.Takeuchi, S. Higashitani, K. Nagai
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/13 "NMR/MRI Study of Superfluid 3He in Aerogel"
Y. Tanaka, R. Kado, S. Feat, R. Toda, R. Ito, M. Kanemoto, O. Ishikawa, Y. Sasaki
International Conference on Low Temperature Physics LT26
(Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/13 "Proximity effect at the interface between superfluid 3He-B and aerogel of 97.5% porosity"
O. Ishikawa
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Mar/21 "Scalable Neutral Atom Quantum Computer with Interaction on Demand"
M. Nakahara
APS March Meeting
(Dallas, USA, 2011/Mar/21-25)
2011/Mar/11 "Overview: Computing with Quanta"
M. Nakahara
Symposium on Quantum Information and Quantum Computing (2011)
量子情報、量子コンピュ-ティング シンポジウム(2011)
(Osaka, 2011/Mar/11-12)
Organized by M. Nakahara
2010/Oct/15 "Crystals Growth of Solid 4He Probed by Ultrasound; Surface States of Superfluid"
R. Nomura
The 3rd Workshop for the Center of Research and Education Linked by "the physics of Einstein"
(Osaka City Univ., Osaka, 2010/Oct/1516)
2010/Oct/15 "Surface Quantum Phenomena in Anisotropic Superfluids and Superconductors"
S. HigashitaniI
The 3rd Workshop for the Center of Research and Education Linked by "the physics of Einstein"
(Osaka City Univ., Osaka, 2010/Oct/15-16)
2010/Sep/14 "Neutral Atom Quantum Computer with On-Demand Interaction (keynote talk)"
M. Nakahara
International Iran Conference on Quantum Information-2010
(Kish Island, Iran, 2010/Sep/11-14)
2010/Aug/28 "Neutral Atom Quantum Computer with On-Demand Interaction"
M. Nakahara
10th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS 2010)
(Tokyo, Japan, 2010/Aug/8/28-31)
2011/Aug/16 "Odd-Frequency Cooper Pairs near the Surfaces of Superfluid 3He-B"
S. Higashitani, S. Matsuo, Y. Nagato andK. Nagai
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2010/Aug/3 "Study for Surface States of Superfluid 3He in Non-Unitary Phases at High Magnetic Fields"
S. Murakawa, A. Yamaguchi, M. Arai, M. Wasai, Y. Aoki, H. Ishimoto, R. Nomura, Y. Okuda
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS2010)
(Grenoble, France, 2010/Aug/1-7)
2010/Aug/3 "Surface Majorana Cone of the Superfluid 3He B Phase"
S. Murakawa, Y. Wada, Y. Tamura, M. Wasai, M. Saitoh, Y. Aoki, R. Nomura, Y. Okuda, Y. Nagato, M. Yamamoto, S. Higashitani, K. Nagai
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS2010)
(Grenoble, France, 2010/Aug/1-7)
2010/Aug/2 "Proximity induced odd frequency pair in liquid 3He in aerogel"
S. Higashitani
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS2010)
(Grenoble, France, 2010/Aug/1-7)
2010/Aug/2 "Fourth sound of superfluid 3He in aerogel"
Ken Obara
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS2010)
(Grenoble, France, 2010/Aug/1-7)
2010/Aug/1 Mikio Nakahara Summer School on Diversities on Quantum Computation/Information
(Higashi Osaka, 2010/Aug/1-5)
Organized by M. Nakahara
2010/Apr/15 "Vortex State in hcp 4He :Vortex Fluid state and Transition to Supersolid state"
M. Kubota
回転下の超流動:渦 2010
(Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 2010/April/11-16)

•Core Research Group C01

Date Title Conference Remarks
2012/Apr/13 "Emergence of superconductivity by electrostatic carrier doping"
K. Ueno
2012 MRS Spring Meeting
(San Francisco, USA, 2012/Apr/9-13)
2012/March/15 "High-resolution ARPES study of topological insulators"
T. Sato
The 29th PF Symposium
(つくば, 2012/March/15-16)
2012/Feb/28 "Synthesis and Characterization of New Topological Insulators"
K. Segawa
APS March Meeting 2012
(Boston, USA, 2012/Feb/28-Mar/2)
2012/Jan "Exotic Superconducting StateCoexisting with an Antiferromagnetic Order: NQR study under pressure in Ce(Rh1-xIrx)In5"
G. Q. Zheng
International workshop on Heavy Fermion Physics: Perspective and Outlook
(Beijing, China, 2012/Jan/7-9)
2011/Dec/21 "Fermi surface and spin texture of the noncentrosymmetric superconductors Li2Pd3B and Li2Pt3B"
T. Shishidou
Kanazawa U-JAIST joint meeting on computational science
(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学, )
2011/Dec/20 "Magnetic Field Effects on a Topological Insulator Studied by STM/STS"
T. Hanaguri
19th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy
(Toya-ko, 2011/Dec/19-21)
2011/Dec/13 "Physical properties of bulk-superconducting CuxBi2Se3"
K.Segawa, M. Kriener, Zhi Ren, S. Sasaki, Y. Ando
The FIRST-QS2C Workshop on "Emergent Phenomena of Correlated Materials"
(Okinawa, Japan, 2011/Dec/12-15)
2011/Nov/28 "Theoretical Design of Topological Insulators"
N. Nagaosa
2011 MRS Fall Meeting
(Boston, 2011/Nov/28-Dec/2)
2011/Nov/25 "STM/STS studies of a topological insulator"
T. Hanaguri
Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter 2011 (NQS2011)
(Kyoto, 2011/Nov/21-25)
2011/Nov/24 "Two-dimensional superconductivity at an electrolyte/insulator interface."
K. Ueno
ICAM Workshop "New frontiers in the physics of two dimensional electron systems"
(Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011/Nov/23-25)
2011/Nov/2 "Interplay between electron correlation and spin-orbit interaction in Ir oxide thin films"
J. Matsuno
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, Japan, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov/02 "Physical properties of bulk-superconducting CuxBi2Se3"
K. Segawa
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, Japan, 2011/Nov/2-5)
2011/Oct/26 "Development of a New Superconductor by Electric Field Effect"
K. Ueno
BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Nano-S&T
(Dalian, China, 2011/Oct/23-26)
2011/Oct/25 "Superconductivity in Ba(TM,Si)2 with AlB2-type structure"
K. Inoue, K. Kawashima, T. Ishikawa, M. Fukuma, T. Okumura, T. Muranaka, J. Akimitsu
24th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2011)
(Tokyo, 2011/Oct/24-26)
2011/Oct/25 "Physical properties of bulk-superconducting CuxBi2Se3"
K. Segawa
24th International Conference on Superconductivity (ISS2011)
(Tokyo, Japan, 2011/Oct/24-26)
2011/Oct/18 "Gauge fields in real and momentum spaces"
N. Nagaosa
Emergent magnetic monopoles in frustrated magnetic systems
(Newport Pagnell, 2011/Oct/17-18)
2011/Oct/6 "Theoretical Design of Topological Materials"
N. Nagaosa
KITP "Topological Insulators and Superconductors"
(Santa Barbara, 2011/Sep/19-Dec/16)
2011/Sep/22 "Electronic states of d electrons revealed by L-edge resonant scattering in soft and hard x-ray region"
松野 丈夫

(富山, 2011/Sep/21-24)
2011/Sep/7 "Theoretical design of topological materials"
N. Nagaosa
2011 SFB608
(Koln, 2011/Sep/7-9)
2011/Sep/2 "Non-Magnetic Impurity Doping in Superconductors Li2T3B (T: Pd, Pt) with Noncentrosymmetric Crystal Structures"
G.Bao, Y. Inada, S.Harada, G-Q.Zheng
The Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2011
(Cambridge U.K, 2011/Aug/29-Sep3)
2011/Aug/31 "H-T Phase Diagram of the Noncentrosymmetric Superconductor Li2(Pd1-xPtx)3B"
D.C.Peets, G.Eguchi, M.Kriener, S.Harada, SM.Shamsuzzaman, Y.Inada, G-Q.Zheng, Y.Maeno
The Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2011
(Cambridge U.K, 2011/Aug/29-Sep3)
2011/Aug/24 "Non-centrosymmetric compounds as possible candidates for topological superconductors"
G.-Q. Zheng
Kavli International Workshop on"Topological Insulator and Topological Superconductor"
(Beijing, 2011/Aug/24)
2011/Aug/19 "STM/STS studies of Dirac surface state in Bi2Se3, under magnetic fields"
T. Hanaguri
Topological Insulators and Superconductors
(Beijing, 2011/Aug/18-20)
2011/Aug/15 "Spin-orbit coupling, anisotropic magnetic fluctuations, and fully-gapped superconducting state in the iron-pnictides"
G.-Q. Zheng
The 26thInternational Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26).
(Beijing, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/12 "Upper Critical Fields of Electric-Field-Induced Superconductivity in SrTiO3"
T. Nojima, K. Ueno, S. Yonezawa, M. Kawasaki, Y. Maeno, Y. Iwasa
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/12 "Physical properties of bulk-superconducting CuxBi2Se3"
Kouji Segawa, M. Kriener, Zhi Ren, S. Sasaki, Yoichi Ando
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/11-17)
2011/Aug/12 "Emergent Electromagnetism in Solids-Spin-bit Interaction as a Gauge Field"
N. Nagaosa
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/8 "Anomalous Meissner Effect in NS Junctionwith Spin-Active Interface"
N. Nagaosa
(Tainan, 2011/Aug/4-9)
2011/Jul/28 "Spin-orbit echo"
N. Nagaosa
5th International Workshop on Spin Currents
(Sendai, 2011/Jul/25-28)
2011/Jul/4 "Spin-orbit echo"
N. Nagaosa
ICTPWorkshop and School on Topological Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics
(Trieste, 2011/Jun/27-Jul/8)
2011/Jul/1 "Photo-induced dynamics of spin textures"
N. Nagaosa
(Wroclaw, 2011/Jun/27-Jul/3)
2011/Jun/23 "Landau quantization of Dirac fermions in a topological insulator"
T. Hanaguri
The 4th international workshop on Emergent Phenomena of Quantum Hall Systems
(Beijing, 2011/June/23-25)
2011/Jun/22 "Berry Phase driven Hall effects"
N. Nagaosa
1st ICQM-ICQD-ICQS Joint Annual Workshop
(Beijing, 2011/Jun/21-23)
2011/Jun/8 "Physical properties of bulk-superconducting CuxBi2Se3"
K. Segawa, M. Kriener, Zhi Ren, S. Sasaki, Y. Ando
Gordon Research Conference on Superconductivity
(Waterville valley resort, USA, 2011/June/6-10)
2011/May/9 "STM/STS studies of a topological insulator"
T. Hanaguri
KIAS workshop on "Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics"
(Seoul, 2011/May/9-12)
2011/Apr/12 "Phase Diagram and Dynamics of Skyrmion Crystal"
N. Nagaosa
2011 Hangzhou Workshop on Quantum Matter
(Hangzhou, 2011/Apr/11-13)
2011/Mar/16 "Emergent Electromagnetism in Solids"
N. Nagaosa
75th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting
(Dresden, Germany, 2011/Mar/13 - 18)
2011/Jan/25 "Novel transport properties of Bi-Sb and other topological insulators"
Emergence of new phases on oxide surfaces by electric-field charge accumulation
K. Ueno
SPIE Photonics West 2011
(San Francisco, USA, 2011/Jan/22-27)
2010/Dec/17 "Spin-orbit Interaction as a Gauge Field"
N. Nagaosa
Hong Kong Forum of Physics 2010: Novel Quantum States and Methods
(Hong Kong, 2010/Dec/17-19)
2010/Dec/13 "Real-Time Dynamics of Correlated ElectronicSystems"
N. Nagaosa
The Asia-Pacific Workshop on Materials Physics
(Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010/Dec/12-15)
2010/Nov/16 "Unconventional Superconductivity on a Topological Insulator"
N. Nagaosa
55thMMM Conference
(Atlanta,USA, 2010/Nov/14-18)
2010/Nov/5 "Theory of magnets and superconductors on topological insulators"
N. Nagaosa
Topological Insulators & Superconductors
(Princeton, USA, 2010/Nov/3-5)
2010/Nov/4 "Novel transport properties of Bi-Sb and other topological insulators"
Workshop on Topological Insulators & Superconductors
(Princeton, USA, 2010/Nov/3-5)
2010/Oct/6 "Real Time Quantum Dynamics of Correlated Electron Systems"
Naoto Nagaosa
ETACM Meeting 2010
(Capri, Italy, 2010/Oct/6-8)
2010/Sep/20 "Low temperature operation of a field-effect transistor of SrTiO3 with an robust atomic-layer-deposition gate dielectric"
K. Ueno
16th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics (WOE17)
(Awaji, 2010/Sep/19-22)
2010/Sep/14 "Fermiology, spin splitting, and spin structure in metallic triangular-lattice antiferromagnet PdCrO2"
psi_k conference 2010
(Berlin, Germany, 2010/Sep/12-16)
2010/Aug/28 "Conservation law of "spin" in the spin-orbit coupled system"
N. Nagaosa
(Pajaro Dunes, Watsonville California, 2010/Aug/27-30)
2010/Aug/5 "Unusual Quantum Magnetotransport in a Topological Insulator Bi1-xSbx"
The 19th International Conference on the Application of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics and Nanotechnology (HMF19)
(Fukuoka, 2010/Aug/2-6)

•Core Research Group D01

Date Title Conference Remarks
2012/Mar/27 超流動体における量子渦の内部構造とマヨラナフェルミオン
T. Mizushima

(関西学院大学, 2012/Mar/24-27)
2012/Mar/20 "Surface Majorana fermions and field-induced topological phase transition in superfluid 3He-B"
T. Mizushima
Microkelvin 2012
(Smolenice, Slovakia, 2012/Mar/19-Mar/23)
2012/Mar/8 "Formulation of Uncertainty Relations between Error and Disturbance in Quantum Measurement by using Quantum Estimation Theory"
Yu Watanabe
International Workshop on Anomalous Statistics, Generalized Entropies, and Information Geometry (Next2012Nara)
(奈良女子大学, 2012/Mar/6-10)
2012/Feb/28 "Role of the order parameter manifold on surface Majorana fermions and spin susceptibility of superfluid 3He-B"
T. Mizushima
American Physical Society March Meeting 2012
(Boston, USA, 2012/Feb/27-Mar/2)
2012/Jan/15 "Quantum transport theory of ferromagnetic-insulator based Josephson Junctions"
S. Kawabata
Pathbreaking Phase Sciences in Superconductivity 2012 (PPSS2012)
(Osaka/Japan, 2011/Jan/13-15)
2012/Jan/13 "Bose-Einstein Condensates in Non-Abelian Gauge Fields"
T. Mizushima
Ultracold Gases: Superfluidity and Strong Correlations (USS-2012)
(東京理科大学, 2012/Jan/11-13)
2012/Jan/13 スピン3スピノ-ルBECにおける自発的対称性の破れとトポロジカル励起
Y. Kawaguchi

Ultracold Gases: Superfluidity and Strong Correlations (USS-2012)
(東京理科大学神 楽坂キャンパス, 2012/Jan/11-13)
2012/Jan/10 "Topological Aspects in Ultracold Atoms"
M. Ueda
Aspen Center for Physics 2012 Winter Presentations : Condensed Matter Physics
(Aspen, USA, 2012/Jan/8-14)
2012/Jan/7 "Intrinsic Angular Momentum of 3He A-phase"
T. Takagi

(東京, 2012/Jan/5-7)
2012/Jan/7 スピン3BECにおける自発的対称性の破れと量子渦
Y. Kawaguchi

(東京大学物性研究所, 2012/Jan/5-7)
2012/Jan/6 コンファインした渦
M. Nitta

(伊豆, 2012/Jan/5-7)
2012/Jan/6 "Surface Andreev Bound States in Topological Superfluid 3He-B"
T. Mizushima
(東京大学物性研究所, 2012/Jan/5-7)
2011/Dec/7 "Spin Berry phase in topological insulators and Weyl semimetals"
K. Imura
Topological Insulators and Superconductors
(Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, 2011/Sep/19-Dec/16)
2011/Dec/1 "Interaction of Vortices in BEC and QCD"
Maths-Physics Meeting around Bose Einstein condensates
(Paris, 2011/Nov/30-Dec/2)
2011/Nov/30 "Non-Abelian topological orders in superconducting states"
Topological Insulators and Superconductors
(Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, 2011/Sep/19-Dec/16)
2011/Nov/17-18 M.Nitta (organizer) 2nd International Workshop on Quarks and Hadrons under Extreme Conditions - Lattice QCD, Holography, Topology, and Physics at RHIC/LHC -
(Yokohama, 2011/Nov/17-18)
2011/Nov/8 "Topological Aspects in Ultracold Atoms"
M. Ueda
34th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories(CMT34)
(Pohang, Korea, 2011/Nov/7-11)
2011/Nov/6 "Spin Berry phase in topological insulator nanostructures"
K. Imura
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Laforet Biwako, Shiga, Japan, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov/4 "Vortices and Other Topological Excitations"
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov/4 "Theory of Josephson effect through exotic magnetic materials"
S. Kawabata, Y. Tanaka, S. Kashiwaya, A. A. Golubov, Y. Asano
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga/Japan, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov/3 "Surface and Vortex Bound States in Topological Superconductors and Superfluids"
T. Mizushima
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov./3 "Odd frequency superconductivity in symmetry breaking systems"
T. Yokoyama
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, 2011/Nov./1-5)
2011/Nov/2 "Entanglement entropy between two coupled Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids"
S. Furukawa, Yong Baek Kim
International Workshop for Young Researchers onTopological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, Japan, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov/2 "Topological stability of vortex cores in spinor BECs"
S. Kobayashi, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Nitta, M. Ueda
International Workshop for Yang Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, Japan, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov/2 "Effects of thermal and quantum fluctuations on the phase diagram of a 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate"
N. T. Phuc, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Ueda
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, Japan, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov/2 "Trimer bound states and p-wave atom-dimer resonance for mass imbalanced ultracold fermions"
S. Endo, P. Naidon, M. Ueda
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, Japan, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Nov/1 "Trimer bound states and p-wave atom-dimer resonance for mass imbalanced ultracold fermions"
S. Endo, P. Naidon, M. Ueda
International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries
(Shiga, Japan, 2011/Nov/1-5)
2011/Oct/29 "Topological Excitations in Quantum Gases"
Y. Kawaguchi
8th Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposium
(Tokyo. Japan, 2011/Oct/28-30)
2011/Oct/10 "Fermionic Efimov States"
M. Ueda
Critical Stability 2011
(Erice, Italy, 2011/Oct/9-15)
2011/Oct/8 "Current status of odd-frequency pairing in superconductors"
Y. Tanaka
Humbolt Kolleg & Symposiumu "NANO-2011
(Kishiniev, 2011/Oct/6-9)
2011/Oct/25 "Theory of finite temperature Josepshon current through a ferromagnetic-insulator"
S. Nakamura, S. Souma, M. Ogawa, S. Kawabata
24th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS2011)
(Tokyo/Japan, 2011/Oct/24-26)
2011/Oct/24 "Novel Superconducting-spintornics Device: Ferromagnetic Insulator based Josephson Junctions"
S. Kawabata
BIT's 1st Annual World Congress of Nano-S&T
(Dalian/China, 2011/Oct/23-26)
2011/Sep/22 冷却原子気体におけるエキゾチック超流動相の実現
T. Mizushima

(富山, 2011/Sep/21-24)
2011/Sep/22 "Dirac fermions and topological insulators--quantum effects from spacetime deformation"
2011 Autumn Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Invited Symposium "Physics of Dirac electron systems"
日本物理学会2011年秋季大会 領域4.7合同シンポジウム「ディラック電子系の物性」
(Tokyo, 2010/Aug/1-4)
2011/Sep/19 "Theory of cooperative macroscopic quantum tunneling in intrinsic Josephson junctions"
S. Kawabata, T. Koyama, Y. Chizaki, H. Kashiwaya, S. Kashiwaya
Superconductivity Centinental Conference (EUCAS-ISEC-ICMC 2011)
(Den Haag/The Netherlands, 2011/Sep/18-23)
2011/Sep/19 "Effects of thermal and quantum fluctuations on the phase diagram of a 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate"
N. T. Phuc, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Ueda
Finite-temperature Non-equilibrium Superfluid Systems
(Heidelberg, Germany, 2011/Sep/18-21)
2011/Sep/15 "Spin Dynamics of a fragmented spinor BEC"
Y. Kawaguchi
Conference on Bose-Einstein Condensation: Frontiers in Quantum Gases(BEC2011)
(Sant Feliu, Spain, 2011/Sep/10-16)
2011/Sep/14 "Efimov states in Fermionic Lithium"
M. Ueda
Conference on Bose-Einstein Condensation: Frontiers in Quantum Gases(BEC2011)
(Sant Feliu, Spain, 2011/Sep/10-16)
2011/Sep/12 "Textures of spin-orbit coupled F=2 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates"
T. Mizushima, T. Kawakami, K. Machida
Bose-Einstein Condensation: Frontiers in Quantum Gases
(Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 2011/Sep/10-16)
2011/Sep/8 "Atomic scale 0- π transition and Andreev spectrum in a Josephson junction with a ferromagnetic insulator"
S. Kawabata, Y. Tanaka, S. Kashiwaya, A. A. Golubov, Y. Asano
Superconductivity and Magnetism (SM-2011)
(Kishinev/Moldova, 2011/Oct/6-10)
2011/Sep/8 "Current-voltage characteristics of SIFS tunnel junctions"
A. S. Vasenko, S. Kawabata, A. A. Golubov, M. Yu. Kupriyanov, C. Lacroix, F. S. Bergeret, F. W. J. Hekking
Superconducting hybrids: from conventional to exotic
(Villard de Lans/France, 2011/Sep/7-10)
2011/Sep/8 "Eigenstate Randomization Hypothesis: Why Does the Long-Time Average Equal the Microcanonical Average?"
T. N. Ikeda, Y. Watanabe, M. Ueda
Workshop on: Many-Body Quantum Dynamics in Closed Systems
(Barcelona, Spain, 2011/Sep/7-9)
2011/Sep/6 "Topological aspects in ultracold atoms"
M. Ueda
Annual Meeting of UK Cold-atom/Condensed Matter Network
(Nottingham, UK, 2011/Sep/5-7)
2011/Aug/22 "Dynamic properties of SIFS Josephson Junctions"
A. A. Golubov, A. S. Vasenko, S. Kawabata, M. Yu. Kupriyanov, F. S. Bergeret, F. W. J. Hekking
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM2011)
(Moscow/Russia, 2011/Aug/21-25)
2011/Aug/22 "Theory of Josephson transport through ferromagnetic insulators and semiconductors"
S. Kawabata, Y. Tanaka, S. Kashiwaya, A. S. Vasenko, A. A. Golubov, Y. Asano
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM2011)
(Moscow/Russia, 2011/Aug/21-25)
2011/Aug/22 "Novel features of DOS in S/F bilayer"
A. S. Vasenko, S. Kawabata, A. A. Golubov, M. Yu. Kupriyanov, C. Lacroix, F. S. Bergeret, F. W. J. Hekking
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM2011)
(Moscow/Russia, 2011/Aug/21-25)
2011/Aug/22 "Recent topics about topological superconductivity"
Y. Tanaka
Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM2011)
(Moskow, 2012/Aug/21-25)
2011/Aug/16 "A-B phase transition and edge states in superfluids 3He under magnetic fields"
T. Mizushima, K. Machida
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/16 "Majorana Fermions Bound at Vortices and Surface of Superfluid 3 He"
T. Mizushima, T. Kawakami, Y. Tsutsumi, M. Ichioka, K. Machida
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/15 "Topological Insulator with dislocation lines"
K. Imura, Y. Takane, A. Tanaka
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/15 "Z 2 topological Anderson insulator"
A. Yamakage, K. Nomura, K. Imura, Y. Kuramoto
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/10 "Efimov and Non-Efimov Three-Body Bound States for 2+1 Particles"
S. Endo, P. Naidon, M. Ueda
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/12 "Stability of topological excitations under the phase transition in spinor BECs"
S. Kobayashi, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Nitta, M. Ueda
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Aug/12 "Spin Dynamics and Patterm Formation of a Spinor Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate"
Y. Kawaguchi
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26)
(Beijing, China, 2011/Aug/10-17)
2011/Jul/14 "Abe homotopy classification of topological excitation under the influence of vortices"
S. Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Nitta, M. Ueda
20th International Laser Physics Workshop
(Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2011/Jul/11-15)
2011/July/13 "Spin Berry phase in topological insulator nanostructures"
K. Imura
Fifth Stig Lundqvist Conference on the Advancing Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics
(Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 2011/July/11-15)
2011/Jul/5 "Topological surface state innon-centrosymmetric superconductors"
Y. Tanaka
7th International workshop on Nanomagnetism and superconductivity
(Coma-Ruga, 2011/Jul/3-7)
2011/Jun/28 "Spin Berry phase in anisotropic topological insulators"
K. Imura
Workshop and School on Topological Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics
(Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 2011/Jun/27-Jul/8)
2011/June/25 超対称ゲ-ジ理論における非ア-ベリアン渦とソリトン
M. Nitta

(静岡, 2011/Jun/24-25)
2011/Jun/14 "Quantum phase defects in the vacuum of Universe"
M. Nitta
India-Japan international workshop "Super/Vacuum/Universe"
(Tokyo, 2011/Jun/14)
2011/Jun/ 13 "Efimov and non-Efimov physics of 2+1 particles"
S. Endo, P. Naidon, M. Ueda
42nd Annual DAMOP Meeting
(Atlanta, Georgia,, 2011/Jun/ 13-17)
2011/Jun/6 "Efimov states in Fermionic Lithium 6"
M. Ueda
Workshop on Frontiers in Ultracold Fermi Gases
(Trieste, Italy, 2011/Jun/6-10)
2011/May/16 "Topological aspects of spinor Bose gases"
M. Ueda
Quantum Magnetism in Ultracold Atoms
(Haifa, Israel, 2011/May/15-19)
2011/May/3 "Introduction to spinor quantum gases"
M. Ueda
Conference on Cold Atoms, Semiconductor Polaritons and Nanoscience
(Crere, Greece, 2011/May/2-6)
2011/Apr/23 物性論における渦とソリトン(素粒子論の観点から)
M. Nitta

(東京, 2011/Apr/23)
2011/Mar/11 "Majorana Fermions and Non-Abelian Anyons in topological supercondcutors/insulators"
Symposium on Quantum Information and Quantum Computing (2011)
量子情報、量子コンピュ-ティング シンポジウム(2011)
(Osaka, 2011/Mar/11-12)
2011/Jan/24 "Approximate three-body collision theory in two component Fermi gas"
S. Endo, M. Ueda
ERATO Macroscopic Quantum Control Conference on Ultracold atoms and molecules
(Tokyo, Japan, 2011/Jan/24-26)
2011/Jan/24 "Phase Diagram of a Three-Dimensional Spin-1 Ferromagnetic Condensates under a Quadratic Zeeman Effect"
N. T. Phuc, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Ueda
ERATO Macroscopic Quantum Control Conference on Ultracold atoms and molecules
(Tokyo, Japan, 2011/Jan/24-26)
2011/Jan/24 "Abe homotopy classification of topological excitation under influence of vortex"
S. Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Nitta, M. Ueda
ERATO Macroscopic Quantum Control Conference on Ultracold atoms and molecules
(Tokyo, Japan, 2011/Jan/24-26)
2011/Jan/24 "Efimov physics in ultracold 6Li atoms with tunable interactions"
S. Nakajima, M. Horikoshi, T. Mukaiyama, P. Naidon, M. Ueda
ERATO Macroscopic Quantum Control Conference on Ultracold atoms and molecules
(Tokyo, Japan, 2011/Jan/24-26)
2011/Jan/24 "Spontaneous Magnetic Ordering in a Ferromagnetic Spinor Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate"
Y. Kawaguchi
ERATO Macroscopic Quantum Control Conference on Ultracold atoms and molecules
(Tokyo, Japan, 2011/Jan/24-26)
2011/Jan/10 "BCS-BEC Evolution and Majorana Zero Modes in p-wave Resonant Fermi Gases"
T. Mizushima
Conference on Research Frontiers in Ultra-Cold Atomic and Molecular Gases
(Goa, India, 2011/Jan/10-14)
2010/Dec/16 "Topological excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates"
M. Ueda
The 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem)
(Honolulu, USA, 2010/Dec/15-20)
2010/Oct/25 "Symmetry breaking and topological excitations in ultracold atomic gases"
M. Ueda
UC Berkeley Physics Colloquia
(Berkeley, USA, 2010/Oct/25-25)
2010/Oct/5 "Topological Excitations in Bose-Einstein Condensates"
M. Ueda
International Symposium on "Coherent Quantum Gases - From Cold Atoms to Condensed Matter"
(Copenhagen, Denmark, 2010/Oct/4-9)
2010/Sep/10 "Interplay between superconductivity and ferromagnetism on a topological insulator"
Y. Tanaka
Superconductivity and Magnetism: Hybrid proximity nanostructures and intrinsic phenomena
(Paestum, Italy, 2010/Sep/5-11)
2010/Aug/18 "Topological Excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates"
M. Ueda
Quantum solids, liquids, and gases
(Stockholm, Sweden, 2010/Aug/15-22)
2010/Aug/17 "Majorana Fermions and Non-Abelian Topological Order in Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors"
M. Sato
2010 Workshop on Quantum Condensation (QC10)
(Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2010/Aug/09-20)
2010/Aug/16 "Spin Dynamics in Spinor Dipolar BECs"
Y. Kawaguchi, H. Saito, K. Kudo, M. Ueda
2010 SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (NW10) Minisymposium
(Philadelphia, USA, 2010/Aug/16-19)
2010/Aug/5 "Classification of Topological excitation with Influence of vortices"
S. Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Nitta, M. Ueda
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS2010)
(Grenoble, France, 2010/Aug/1-7)
2010/Aug/3 "Spin Dynamics in Spinor Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates"
Y. Kawaguchi, H. Saito, K. Kudo, M. Ueda
International Workshop on Statistical Physics of Quantum Systems
(Tokyo, 2010/Aug/2-4)
2010/Aug/3 "Effects of Majorana Edge Fermions on Dynamical Spin Susceptibility in Topological Superfluid 3He-B"
T. Mizushima
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids (QFS2010)
(Grenoble, France, 2010/Aug/1-7)
2010/Aug/2 "Topological odd-parity superconductors"
M. Sato
SPQS2010: Statistical Physics of Quantum Systems
(Tokyo, 2010/Aug/2-4)
2010/Jul/27 "Non-universal Efimov Atom-Dimer Resonances in a Three-Component Mixture of 6Li"
S. Nakajima, M. Horikoshi, T. Mukaiyama, P. Naidon, M. Ueda
22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP2010)
(Cairns, Australia, 2010/Jul/25-30)
2010/Jul/26 "Topological Excitations in Ultracold Atomic Gases"
M. Ueda
22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP2010)
(Cairns, Australia, 2010/Jul/25-30)
2010/Jul/26 "BCS-BEC Evolution and Majorana Zero Modes in p-Wave Resonant Fermi Gases"
T. Mizushima
22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP2010)
(Cairns, Australia, 2010/Jul/25-30)
2010/Jul/23 "Topological Excitations in Spinor BEC"
Y. Kawaguchi
Riken Sympojium
(Riken, Wako, Saitama, 2010/Jul/23)
2010/Jul/15 "Phase Diagram of Three-Dimensional Spin-1 Ferromagnetic Condensates at Finite Temperatures"
N. T. Phuc, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Ueda
Statphys 24, the International Conference on Frustrated Spin Systems, Cold Atoms and Nanomaterials
(Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010/Jul/14-16)
2010/Jul/6 "Symmetry classification of the ground states of a spin-3 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate"
Y. Kawaguchi, M. Ueda
19th International Laser Physics Workshop
(Foz do Iguazu, Brazil, 2010/Jul/5-9)
2010/Jul/4 "Topological edge states in superconducting systems"
Y. Tanaka
6th International workshop on Nanomagnetism and superconductivity
(Coma-Ruga,Spain, 2010/Jun/30-Jul/4)

◇ Presentations at JPS

領域メンバーの日本物理学会での講演のリストを掲載しています。                  (領域メンバーの研究活動内容を示す目的なので、必ずしも本学術領域の目的に沿った研究成果ではない講演も含まれています。)

We list presentations at The Japanese Physical Society (JPS) meeting by the members of this project. Since these lists are intended to represent the general research activities of the members, presentations not necessarily directly related to this project are also included.

Date Conference 講演題目一覧(PDFリンク) Remarks


第67回年次大会 計画研究A01班関連発表pdf

Kwansei Gakuin University



2011年秋季大会 【物性関係】 計画研究A01班関連発表pdf

Toyama University

Gofuku Campus



* The meeting was cancelled due to the earthquake, but JSP announced the registered presentations are valid since the abstracts had already been published.


Niigata University

Igarashi Campus


2010年秋季大会 【物性関係】 計画研究A01班関連発表pdf
Osaka Prefecture University Nakamozu Campus