Akinobu KANDA
Associate Professor, Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba■ Laboratory Website
■ Description of Research
We have experimentally studied mesoscopic physics, mainly related to superconductivity, by using semiconductor nanofabrication techniques and low-temperature electronic transport measurement techniques. Our research topics in the past include Kosterlitz-Thouless-Brezinski transition of charges in small tunnel junctions networks, Fluxoid quantization in mesoscopic superconducting rings, and novel vortex states in mesoscopic superconductors.
Recently, we are mainly dealing with Cooper-pair and spin transport in graphene. Graphene is a honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms, which was discovered in 2004. Electrons in graphene behave as Dirac fermions. We are interested in observing unusual "relativistic effects", which never been observed in conventional metals.

In this project, we realize superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junctions made of graphene. Superconducting (ferromagnetic) graphene is obtained by injecting Cooper-pairs (spins) from a superconductor (ferromagnet) into graphene. Through the observation of Josephson effects, we try to reveal the interplay between superconductivity and magnetism in graphene.
- 1989
- B.Sc in Physics, University of Tokyo
- 1991
- M.S. in Physics, University of Tokyo
- 1994
- Ph.D. in Physics, University of Tokyo
- 1995-1998
- Special postdoctoral researcher, RIKEN
- 1998-1999
- Researcher, Frontier Research Program, RIKEN
- 1999-2002
- Research associate, Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
- 2002-2010
- Assistant professor, Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
- 2010-present
- Associate professor, Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
- 1997
- JPS Award for Academic Papers on Physics
"Influence of Disorder on Conductance in Bilayer Graphene under Perpendicular Electric Field",
H. Miyazaki, K. Tsukagoshi, A. Kanda, M. Otani, S. Okada
Nano Lett. 10, 3888 - 3892 (2010).
"Local Current Injection into Mesoscopic Superconductors for the Manipulation of Quantum States",
M.V. Milosevic, A. Kanda, S. Hatsumi, F.M. Peeters, Y. Ootuka,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 217003 (2009).
"Gate control of spin transport in multilayer graphene",
H. Goto, A. Kanda, T. Sato, S. Tanaka, Y. Ootuka, S. Odaka, H. Miyazaki, K. Tsukagoshi, Y. Aoyagi,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 212110 (2008).
"Evidence of a different type of vortex that mediates a continuous fluxoid- state transition in a mesoscopic superconducting ring",
A. Kanda, B.J. Baelus, D.Y. Vodolazov, J. Berger, R. Furugen, Y. Ootuka, F.M. Peeters
Phys. Rev. B 76, 094519 (2007).
"Multivortex and giant vortex states near the expulsion and penetration fields in thin mesoscopic superconducting squares",
B.J. Baelus, A. Kanda, N. Shimizu, K. Tadano, Y. Ootuka, K. Kadowaki, and F. M. Peeters
Phys. Rev. B 73, 024514 (2006).
"Vortex state dependent phase boundary in mesoscopic superconducting disks",
B. J. Baelus, A. Kanda, F. M. Peeters, Y. Ootuka and K. Kadowaki
Phys. Rev. B 71, 140502 (R) (2005).
"Experimental Evidence for Giant Vortex States in a Mesoscopic Superconducting Disk",
A. Kanda, B. J. Baelus, F. M. Peeters, K. Kadowaki and Y. Ootuka
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 257002 (2004).
"Gate-voltage Dependence of Zero-bias Anomalies in Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes",
A. Kanda, K. Tsukagoshi, Y. Aoyagi and Y. Ootuka
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 036801 (2004).
"Quantum Phase Transition in One-Dimensional Arrays of Resistively Shunted Small Josephson Junctions",
H. Miyazaki, T. Yamaguchi, A. Kanda, Y. Ootuka
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 197001 (2002).
"Superconductor-Insulator Transition in a Two-dimensional Array of resistively shunted small Josephson Junctions",
Y. Takahide, R. Yagi. A. Kanda, Y. Ootuka, and S. Kobayashi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1974-1977 (2000).
"Precursor of Charge KTB Transition in Normal and Superconducting Tunnel Junction Arrays",
A. Kanda and S. Kobayashi
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 64, 19-21 (1995).