Kazuaki MATANO
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Okayama University- Field of Specialty:
- Low temperature physics (Experiment)
- Topics of Research:
- (C01) Novel Phenomena in Electron Fluids with Broken Inversion Symmetry
The main research interest of my work is transition-metal compound superconductors.
I have studied the cobalt oxide and the iron pnictide superconductors using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance/Nuclear Quadrupolar Resonance methods. I have revealed the symmetry of superconductivity from microscopic point of view.
In this project, I will study non-centersymmetric superconductors using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance/Nuclear Quadrupolar Resonance methods.
I will also search for new non-centersymmetric superconductors.
- 2009
- Ph.D. in Science, Okayama University, Japan
- 2008-2009
- Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 2009-2010
- Engineer, NEC corporation
- 2010-2012
- Research Associate, Department of Physics, Okayama University
- 2012-present
- Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Okayama University
- 2009
- Nishina Prize (Okayama pref., Japan)
"Anisotropic spin fluctuations and multiple superconducting gaps in hole-doped Ba0.72K0.28Fe2As2: NMR in a single crystal",
K. Matano, Z. Li, G. L. Sun, D. L. Sun, C. T. Lin, M. Ichioka and G.-q. Zheng,
Europhysics Letters 87 27012 (2009).
"Hydration-induced anisotropic spin fluctuations in NaxCoO2·1.3H2O superconductor",
K. Matano, C. T. Lin, and G.-q. Zheng,
Europhysics Letters 84, 57010 (2008).
"Spin-singlet superconductivity with multiple gaps in PrFeAsO0.89F0.11",
K. Matano, Z. A. Ren, X. L. Dong, L. L. Sun, Z. X. Zhao, and G.-q. Zheng,
Europhysics Letters 83, 57001 (2008).
"Spin singlet pairing in the superconducting state of NaxCoO2·1.3H2O: Evidence from a 59Co Knight shift in a single crystal",
G.-q. Zheng, K. Matano, D. P. Chen, and C. T. Lin,
Physical Review B 73, 180503 (2006).
"Na content dependence of superconductivity and the spin correlations in NaxCoO2·1.3H2O",
G.-q. Zheng, K. Matano, R. L. Meng, J. Cmaidalka, and C. W. Chu,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18, L63 (2006).