Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries

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Hiroshi Irie

Research scientist, NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Field of Specialty:
Superconductor/Semiconductor hybrid devices (Experiment)
Topics of Research:
(A01) Novel Edge Phenomena in Superconductors with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry
Specific Topics:
Spin-triplet Cooper pair at superconductor/ferromagnet interface
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At the interface of a ferromagnet/supercondutor junction, spin-triplet pairing state is predicted to be induced due to a combination of the superconducting proximity effect and the exchange interaction in the ferromagnet. We are especially interested in the equal spin spin-triplet state, which is compatible with the ferromagnetic correlation unlike the conventional spin-singlet superconducting state. With the advent of such novel quantum phase, emerging research field including superconducting spintronics can be realized, where the superconducting correlation is manipulated by the spin-degree of freedom and vice versa.

Hiroshi Irie RESEARCH image

In this project, we aim to generate the equal spin state at the interface of an (In,Mn)As/Nb junction. Local control of the magnetization vector by means of the mechanical strain is performed for a noncollinear magnetization in the (In,Mn)As, one of the essential conditions to generate the equal spin state. Demonstration of the long range propagation in the ferromagnetic material is the next challenge, once the existence of the equal spin state is confirmed.


B.Eng. in Materials Engineering, University of Tokyo
M.Eng. in Materials Engineering, University of Tokyo
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Rochester, NY


Research Associate, NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Research scientist, NTT Basic Research Laboratories


"In0.75Ga0.25As quantum point contact utilizing wrap-gate geometry",
H. Irie, Y. Harada, H. Sugiyama, and T. Akazaki
Appl. Phys. Express 5 024001 (2012).

"Terahertz electrical response of nanoscale three-branch junctions",
H. Irie and R. Sobolewski
J. of Appl. Phys., 107 084315 (2010).

"A room temperature ballistic deflection transistor for high performance applications",
Q. Diduck, H. Irie, and M. Margala,
International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, vol.19 23 (2009)

"Nonlinear characteristics of T-branch junctions: Transition from ballistic to diffusive regime",
H. Irie, Q. Diduck, M. Margala, R. Sobolewski, and M. J. Feldman,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 053502 (2008)