TMS2016 第2回「トポロジーが紡ぐ物質科学のフロンティア」領域研究会


All participants including plenary/invited speakers are requested to make their registration through this web page.

Registration deadline

March 31, 2017

  • Registration fee (*):
    General: 3,000 JPY / Student: 1,000 JPY
    (The registration fee does not include costs for food or drinks.)
  • Information exchange meeting (banquet) fee (*):
    General: 4,000 JPY / Student: 2,000 JPY
    (The banquet fee includes costs for alcoholic drinks.)
We do not accept a cancellation request after March 30.
Fees will be collected at the conference registration desk. Japanese participants are recommended to pay by bank transfer.


振込先みずほ銀行 大岡山支店(145) 普通口座 2314807 トポ物質科学国際会議
振込人名に、登録番号+フルネーム を入力してください。