TMS2016 第2回「トポロジーが紡ぐ物質科学のフロンティア」領域研究会

Abstract submission

Registration and abstract submission (for those who presenting) have been closed.

All presenters including invited speakers need to prepare the abstracts for their talks/posters with the following template and submit them through the website.

Abstract submission deadline (only for poster) has been extended to March 26, 2017.

  1. Deadline:February 28, 2017
    extended to March 26 (only for poster)
  2. Please use the template file available from here doc(150KB)
  3. The file name should begin with the last name of the first author followed by "Abst.pdf'' (e.g. "LastnameAbst.pdf'' ). Don't use hyphens or underscores in the file name.
  4. Submit your abstract in PDF file via the website here.

In addition to the invited oral presentations, we will choose a few oral presentations based on the abstracts submitted.
