The registration desk will be open in the following schedule.
- 17:00 - 20:00, May 9 (Tue): Richmond Premier Hotel Musashikosugi
- 9:00 - 17:00, May 10(Wed) - 13(Sat): Kuramae Hall in Tokyo Tech Front
Please come to the reception desk for registration and pay the registration fee and the Information exchange meeting fee. Japanese participants are recommended to pay by bank transfer in advance. Note that we only accept cash (Japanese yen only).
Welcome reception
- The welcome reception will be held from 18:00 to 20:00 at Richmond Premier Hotel Musashikosugi.
- Drinks and light meals will be provided.
Information exchange meeting (banquet)
- 18:00-20:00, May 12 (Fri): Lounge in Tokyo Tech Centennial Hall
- The Poster Award / Poster Preview Award winners will be announced.
Internet access at conference site
Wireless internet connection will be available at the conference site.
The connection setting will be notified at the registration desk.
Oral Presentation
- Please note the following time allocation and leave enough time for discussion.
+ 40-min presentation: 33-min talk + 7-min discussion
+ 30-min presentation: 24-min talk + 6-min discussion
+ 20-min presentation: 15-min talk + 5-min discussion - The remaining time of your presentation will be shown in a sub screen.
- Use your laptop PC to show your slides.
- We use the ordinary D-sub connector cable to connect your PC to our video projector.
Poster Presentation / Poster Preview
- Poster Presetation
The poster size should not exceed width x height = 900mm x 1400mm.
The poster sessions are scheduled on May 10 (A) and 11 (B).
- Poster Preview
You will have one minute to promote your poster just before the poster session, using one slide. The slide should be in the PDF format with 25.4cm in width and 19.05cm in height (i.e. the default size of MS PowerPoint for 4:3 display).
Please start the file name with your poster number (available from the list of posters), e.g., "A01Yokoyama.pdf".
The file should not contain any animations.
The slides should be submitted by email to the following address by 17:00, May 4th, 2017, Japan Standard Time: topomat2017ppv[at]
- Poster Award / Poster Preview Award
To acknowledge the contributions and efforts of the poster presenters, the organizers will be awarding a few outstanding posters and poster previews with the Poster Award and Poster Preview Award. The winners will be announced in the Information Exchange Meeting.