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カナダ オンタリオ州トロントで2016年4月25日から27日に行われた CIFAR Quantum Material Summer School 2016 および、4月28日から30日に行われた CIFAR Quantum Material Program Meeting に参加しました。
In the city of Toronto in Canada I participated in the CIFAR Quantum Material Summer School 2016 from April 25-27, 2016 and the CIFAR Quantum Material Program Meeting April 28-30.
This was the first time I participated in an international conference where I presented a poster. The summer school exposed me to many different subjects of interest regarding superconductivity and the recently coined class of materials called “quantum materials”. Typically the conference was from 8 am to ~5pm with a lunch break and ~15 minute breaks in between talks where people snacked and mingled. The breaks allowed me to get introduced to many different people that I did not get a chance to meet at the welcoming ceremony (on the 24th) and even make a few friends. I also met a fellow graduate student from Kyoto University and other Japanese people from other universities and we got well acquainted. Notably, during the poster session I met a student of Andrew Mackenzie’s and our research has much in common so there was a fruitful exchange of information.
It was also interesting for me to go to Canada considering that I came to Japan from Canada and it was like going back home in some sense. It was also the first time I was in Toronto with the exception of transiting through its airport many times. On the day before the conference I had the opportunity to visit Niagara Falls which was 1.5 hours away from the city and it was an amazing experience. In the remaining 5 days after the conference I would explore the city with some of the people that I have met during the conference.
In conclusion, I felt the time was well spent, although I felt somewhat out of shape from too much sitting and eating during the day. The connections made and information exchanged is very valuable. Next time I hope to give an oral presentation!