Venue / Access
Conference site [Jan 11 - 14]
Maskawa Hall, Maskawa Building for Education and Research, North campus of Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
(#13 building in the North campus of Yoshida Campus)
Transportation between the Hotel and the Maskawa Hall.
Across the street is Kyoto Poyal Hotel & Spa.
Take "Kyoto City Bus #17" between "Kawaramachi-Sanjo(Morning: "G" Bus Stop)" to "Kyodai Nogakubu-mae".
The bus comes every 10-15 min. It takes about 15-20 min.
Venue for Registration(Jan. 10) & Welcome reception
- Kyoto Royal Hotel & Spa
Sanjo-Agaru, Kawaramachi,
Nakagyo-ku 604-8005
Kyoto, Japan
Phone: +81 (0)75-223-1234
Fax: +81 (0)75-223-1702
Venue for Information Exchange Dinner
- Kumamoto Sogo Inshokuten Mao
644, Mototakedacho, Higashitouin-dori
Nishikikoji-agaru, Nakagyo-ku 604-8145
Kyoto, Japan
Phone: +81 (0)75-746-4721
Access to a hotel in Kyoto
- 1.
- From the east coast of USA, fly to Narita / Haneda and take a domestic flight to ITM(Osaka) and then an Airport Shuttle to a hotel in Kyoto.
- 2.
- From the west coast of USA, do #1 or fly directly to KIX(Osaka) and take an Airport Shuttle to a hotel in Kyoto.
Reservation is required for the Airport Shuttle:
It takes about 1.5 - 2 hours from ITM to a hotel in Kyoto; 2.5 - 3 hours from KIX.
Stores map

- Maskawa Hall

- Physics
- 1.
- Hokubu Shokudo (北部食堂) *Japanese
[8:00-21:00, Sat.11:00-14:00, Closed:Sunday, Holiday]
- 2.
- Hiraganakan (ひらがな館) *Japanese
[lunch 11:30-14:30 dinner 18:00-23:00, Closed:Tuesday]
- 3.
- Kitchen Gorilla (キッチンごりら) *Western style dining
[lunch 11:30-14:15(L.O.), dinner 18:00-21:15(L.O.), Closed:Irregular]
- 4.
- Jiei (慈永・じえい) *Ramen
[lunch 11:30-14:30 dinner 17:30-22:00, Closed:Irregular]
- 5.
- Okuda(とんかつ処おくだ) *Japanese pork cutlet
[lunch 11:30-14:00 dinner 17:00-22:00, Closed:Tuesday]
- 6.
- Kasho (華祥・かしょう) *Chinese Restaurant
[lunch 11:00-14:00 dinner 17:30-21:30, Closed:Wednesday]
- 7.
- Bio Shokudo (ビオ食堂) *Kobe beef Donburi
- 8.
- HALINA(キッチン ハリーナ) *Japanese Bento
[12:00-19:30, Closed:Sunday]*Sat. 18:00-22:00
- 9.
- Sako, Boon (サコ, ブーン) *Home cooking "Obanzai"
[11:00-21:00 Closed:Monday]*Buffet 11:00-14:30
- 10.
- Shinasoba Yoshidaya (志七そば 吉田屋) *Ramen
[lunch 11:00-15:00 dinner 18:00-22:30 Closed:Saturday]
- 11.
- Yoshida Chicken (吉田チキン) *Roast Chicken Dining
[lunch 11:00-15:00 dinner 18:00-23:00(L.O. 22:00), Closed:Sunday]
- 12.
- Kenken (定食屋ケンケン) *Broiled fish and fried chicken
[lunch 12:00-14:00 dinner 18:00-21:30, Closed:Sunday]