15 December, 2018 by 15:00 JST (with presentation) *with Poster Award and Poster Preview Award *Closed
25 December, 2018 by 17:00 JST (without presentation) *Closed
Please register online from here. Presentation style (oral/poster) will be announced from the project office via e-mail in mid to late November.
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- After submitting the abstract please also register.
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- registration fee is free.
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- Please make sure that after filling in the form to click "confirm the page" and then click "send" to complete the registration process. When your registration is successful, you will receive an automated confirmation e-mail.
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- For any changes you may have after completing your registration, please go over the whole process again.
Abstract Submission
Deadline: 15 December, 2018 by 15:00 JST *Closed
Download the abstract template from here. doc(85KB)
Please upload and send your abstract by filling in the application form from here.
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- Your abstract size must be less than 1.5MB in PDF format. For the file name, please state your family name in alphabet.
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- Please make sure that after filling in the form to click "confirm the page" and then click "send" to complete the registration process. When your registration is successful, you will receive an automated confirmation e-mail.
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- *To replace your abstract that has already been uploaded, please go over the whole process again.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be mainly in Japanese; however, presentation materials such as slides should be in English. The duration of each presentation will be assigned to one of the following: 30 min = 23 min (presentation) + 7 min (Q&A), 25 min = 18 min + 7 min, 20 min = 15 min + 5 min, 15 min = 10 min + 5 min. For speakers, please confirm by the program.
Poster Format
Poster should be within 115 cm width x 152 cm height in size and in English.
If your presentation number is:
PA - Poster preview and presentation is on 22 January, 2019
PB - Poster preview and presentation is on 23 January, 2019
Poster Preview Presentation Format
- Format of preview slide:
-One slide per poster. Do not use any animated effect.
-The aspect ratio of the slide should be 4:3.
(Basic setting in Powerpoint is 25.4 cm x 19.05 cm.)
-Use English as much as possible.
-Poster number will be announced in the HP.
-Please title your file as "Presentation Number_Preview_FamilyName.pdf"
(i.e. PA-8_Preview_Yano.pdf).
- Please submit your slide by e-mail as attachment to tmsnagoya_preview[at]
Please title your e-mail as "Presentation Number FamilyName" (i.e. PA-8 Yano).
- The date of your poster preview and presentation is assigned according to your presentation number.
PA - Poster preview and presentation is on 22 January, 2019
PB - Poster preview and presentation is on 23 January, 2019