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th visitor since Dec 12, 2011.

Last updated: Jun 20, 2012
- Photos of Poster award and conference are uploaded.(Jun. 20)
- Requet for your presentation: see instruction page.
- Please note: Cancellation for excursion and banquet is not accepted.
- Directions from airport and Nagoya Station are updated.
- IMPORTANT:Instructions for poster presentation is updated. (Apr. 24)
- Program page is updated.
- Instruction page is open. (Apr. 4)
IMPORTANT:Registration has been closed for reaching maximum capacity.
IMPORTANT: The deadline of registration has been changed to an ealier date. (It will be closed shortly.)
- Resistration and abstract submission (for those who presenting) have been closed on Mar. 31th.
IMPORTANT: Please indicate your attendance for the excurtion by the registration form.
- Reception, Banquet, Excursion info. updated.(Mar. 16)
- Hotel information updated.(Mar. 16)
- The Registration and abstract submission started.(Jan. 31)
- Invited speakers updated.(Jan. 13)
- The webpage is now open.(Dec. 8)